Mule Mountain Benchmark visible left, Mule Peak right. We followed an old road for a while after parking, since we couldn't get farther.

Mule Mountain Benchmark ahead. We followed the ridge left of center.

Looking back along the ridge we ascended. The car is down in the center somewhere.

Class 2 ridgeline, some minor Class 3. The rock was loose, but not awful.

After following the ridge for a bit, we ascended the gully visible ahead.

Class 2, steep gully.

Looking back, you can see the ridge we ascended right of center. Mule Peak visible top left.

More Class 2/3 after the gully, Mule Mountain Benchmark up there somewhere.

Class 2/3 fun stuff before the summit.

Looking back below the summit of Mule Mountain Benchmark.

Mule Mountain Benchmark ahead.

After summitting Mule Mountain Benchmark, we dropped down the major gully to the southeast. Mule Peak visible ahead.

Looking back up the loose descent.

From the saddle, headed up the ridge to Mule Peak.

Looking back toward Mule Mountain Benchmark as we ascend to Mule Peak. You can see the gully we descended from coming down from Mule Mountain Benchmark.

Mule Peak ahead.

Fun Class 2/3 obstacles, most avoidable by keeping to the right.

Looking back along the ridgeline to Mule Mountain Benchmark (top left).

Mule Peak view south.

Close-up toward Mule Mountain Benchmark. You can see the gully we descended from Mule Peak at the bottom of this photo. You can see the gully we used to descend from Mule Mountain Benchmark earlier (coming down from the center of the peak).

The gully was a bit loose and steep. Maybe go back to the saddle to descend for a slightly less annoying descent? I don't know.

Summit register - look at the previous ascent before us!
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