Starting up the major wash we'd follow for a few miles. Mud Peaks visible distant center.

Boundary of Lake Mead NRA.

A junction well up the wash. We headed left, returning on the right later.

Continuing up the drainage, Mud Crag visible ahead.

Some colorful stuff within the drainage.

Minor Class 3 obstacles as we approach Mud Crag.

Mud Crag up on the left. We followed the drainage to its head.

Final summit ridge to Mud Crag.

Mud Crag summit, view west toward Mud Tower. On the left you can see the bumpy landscape formed from the drainages. It made more sense to us to head farther into the desert rather than try to hug the base of the peaks in order to avoid the bumps. Also, you can see the red badlands we'd have to traverse later on the right.

Class 2 descent from Mud Crag on its south side.

Heading through the desert toward Mud Tower. You can see the base of the peaks on the right.

Approach Mud Tower (left of center).

Path of least resistance to the base of Mud Tower.

View back into the drainages as we head up to Mud Tower.

Mud Tower Class 2 slope.

Looking back at our ascent to Mud Tower.

Class 3 move out of U-shaped cliff band.

Mud Tower summit, view east.

We dropped down off Mud Tower and headed east, wrapping around a sub-peak to get into the red badlands. Mud Tower visible above Austin's head.

Looking back as we descend into the red bandlands.

Red bandlands, Mud Hill visible ahead.

Navigating the labyrinth of the badlands.

We found an animal trail along one of the ridges and followed it up the slope to gain Mud Hill's east ridge, visible ahead.

Looking back into the badlands.

Wide shot as we ascend to Mud Hill. Mud Tower far right, Mud Crag far left.

Optional fun Class 3 along the Mud Hill ridgeline.

Looking back along the ridge as we approach Mud Hill's summit.

Mud Hill summit ahead.

View northeast toward the dirt road we'd use rather than navigating through the badlands.

Running along the dirt road.

The dirt road headed south and led into the primary wash we used to approach the peaks.

We followed the wash back to the car.
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