Enter the mouth of Oak Creek Canyon after a fairly long walk on the popular Oak Creek Trail.

Water greeted us at the start of the canyon and was trickling for the entirety of the hike up.

Nearing the first fork, keep right.

The second fork, if you go left rather than right (don't go this way if you want to summit).

The first static rope to make climbing this waterfall easier. This rope is not guaranteed to be here. You may have to bypass this fall on the right using a set of Class 3 blocky moves.

Brian intently getting pictures. We stopped way too many times, but it was ridiculously pretty in the canyon.

Colors, colors everywhere. Seen here is another fun slabby obstacle to get over.

Another fun obstacle.

Lots of small waterfalls leading up the canyon.

Seen below is a waterfall that would be a hassle to climb. A trail leads to the right up the side of the canyon, leading you back to the water above the fall safely. This photo is taken higher up, avoiding an alternative harder Class 3 set of moves. There are more than one way around the waterfall obstacle.

Looking back down Oak Creek Canyon.

The final obstacle, a serious climb if the rope wasn't there. This could be a day-ender if so. There is a possibility that a Class 4/5 option exists to the right of the waterfall.

Looking down the static line obstacle.

We headed left out of Oak Creek Canyon and into the amphitheater-like formation.

The amphitheater-like feature, wow.

Looking down the feature as we ascend.

We ascended from the right in this photo within the amphitheater.

Another shot down the amphitheater.


Looking down from the top of the amphitheater-like feature.

The pinnacle marking the end of the top. Go around it to the left to bypass a difficult little waterfall.

Looking back toward the pinnacle.

The small minor creekbed after the pinnacle. Follow this and then head out of it to the right.

After ascending out of the creekbed, you can see Mt. Wilson in the distance. Head to the slope on the right to get to the Mt. Wilson west ridge.

Looking back once we were along the west ridge of Mount Wilson, Mount Wilson behind me.

On the Mount Wilson false summit, view toward the true summit.

Las Vegas from the Mount Wilson summit.

Looking toward Rainbow Mountain and Mount Charleston in the distance.
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