Mount Washington via Huntington Ravine and Lion Head in White Mountain National Forest, NH

Hike Mount Washington via Huntington Ravine and Lion Head White Mountain National Forest, NH

Class 4 8.2 miles 4200 gain 4-6 hrs Loop Sep 17, 2014

Mount Washington via Huntington Ravine and Lion Head GPX Track

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I heard the Huntington Ravine Trail was the most difficult hike in the White Mountains due to its section of Class 3+ (maybe Class 4?) scramble toward the top. Along the trail there's a waterfall, boulder hopping, lush forest trails, scrambling, and of course the views: overall an outstanding trip. Mt. Washington's summit is gorgeous, despite the ugly observation deck and tourist train blowhorn that you can hear from miles away. I decided to descend on the more scenic Lion's Head Trail, with open ridiculous views of the surrounding mountains, and join up with the Tuckerman Ravine Trail, rather than just take the Tuckerman Ravine Trail all the way down.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Washington
6288 ft
6148 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Image 0 from gallery
Image 1 from gallery
Some random cascade on the Huntington Ravine trail.
Some random cascade on the Huntington Ravine trail.
Image 3 from gallery
Looking up at the boulder field before scrambling on the Huntington Ravine Trail
Looking up at the boulder field before scrambling on the Huntington Ravine Trail
Image 5 from gallery
The sides of Mt Washington after the treeline.
The sides of Mt Washington after the treeline.
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Image 8 from gallery
Before starting the hard parts of the scramble, overlooking the Whites
Before starting the hard parts of the scramble, overlooking the Whites
Hard part of the Huntington Ravine Trail - 3rd class scrambling isn't a joke, but definitely lots of fun.
Hard part of the Huntington Ravine Trail - 3rd class scrambling isn't a joke, but definitely lots of fun.
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Image 12 from gallery
Huntington Ravine Trail after scrambling, looking at the view of the White Mountains
Huntington Ravine Trail after scrambling, looking at the view of the White Mountains
Overlooking the Whites on the Huntington Ravine Trail
Overlooking the Whites on the Huntington Ravine Trail
Part of the scramble on the Huntington Ravine Trail
Part of the scramble on the Huntington Ravine Trail
Image 16 from gallery
After exiting the Huntington Ravine before the slog up to Mt. Washington.
After exiting the Huntington Ravine before the slog up to Mt. Washington.
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Image 19 from gallery
Descending on the Lions Head Trail.
Descending on the Lions Head Trail.
Image 21 from gallery

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!