Mount Sneffels in Uncompahgre National Forest, CO

Hike Mount Sneffels Uncompahgre National Forest, CO

Class 3 5.9 miles 2900 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Sep 6, 2016

Mount Sneffels GPX Track

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The road got really rough into Yankee Boy Basin, so I parked at the lower trailhead and headed up the dirt road. Rather than follow the road the whole way, I continued along Sneffels Creek on a trail leading to the cute Wrights Lake. I followed the trail back up and into the aggravating Class 2 boulder field, working up a steep slope and gaining the saddle of Mt. Sneffels' southwest ridge. This was yet another lightly aggravating Class 2 section, following a chute that led to a somewhat difficult Class 3 move in a notch, and then up to the summit on easier terrain.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Sneffels
14150 ft
3030 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Following the dirt road into Yankee Boy Basin.
Following the dirt road into Yankee Boy Basin.
Looking back down the road.
Looking back down the road.
Gilpin Peak ahead.
Gilpin Peak ahead.
Looking back down into Yankee Boy Basin, Potosi Peak on the left.
Looking back down into Yankee Boy Basin, Potosi Peak on the left.
A side trail leading to a pretty little lake.
A side trail leading to a pretty little lake.
Pretty lake detour trail, view toward Mt. Sneffels (peeking out in the center).
Pretty lake detour trail, view toward Mt. Sneffels (peeking out in the center).
View back toward the little lake, back on the standard route, Gilpin Peak in the center.
View back toward the little lake, back on the standard route, Gilpin Peak in the center.
Looking back into Yankee Boy Basin.
Looking back into Yankee Boy Basin.
Shot of the boulder field ascent.
Shot of the boulder field ascent.
Nice view toward the Blue Lakes Trail, the ridge leading to Dallas Peak visible on top.
Nice view toward the Blue Lakes Trail, the ridge leading to Dallas Peak visible on top.
Needles along the southeast ridge of Mt. Sneffels.
Needles along the southeast ridge of Mt. Sneffels.
Class 2 steep and loose slope to the ridge.
Class 2 steep and loose slope to the ridge.
Looking back down the steep slope
Looking back down the steep slope
Approaching the saddle.
Approaching the saddle.
Another shot back down the Class 2 stuff.
Another shot back down the Class 2 stuff.
On the ridge, view southeast. I came up on the right near where the tiny bit of snow is seen in the center.
On the ridge, view southeast. I came up on the right near where the tiny bit of snow is seen in the center.
Another view southeast-ish, Yankee Boy Basin on the right. This was taken higher up on the ridge.
Another view southeast-ish, Yankee Boy Basin on the right. This was taken higher up on the ridge.
The Class 2 gully along the southeast ridge of Mt. Sneffels.
The Class 2 gully along the southeast ridge of Mt. Sneffels.
Looking down the gully.
Looking down the gully.
The Class 3 notch move.
The Class 3 notch move.
View down the southeast ridge, the way I came up.
View down the southeast ridge, the way I came up.
Easy-going to the summit after the notch.
Easy-going to the summit after the notch.
Mt. Sneffels summit, view southeast toward Yankee Boy Basin. You can see the little lake I went to earlier in the hike. The ridge I came up is in the center. The white section is the start of the ridge at the top of the talus slope.
Mt. Sneffels summit, view southeast toward Yankee Boy Basin. You can see the little lake I went to earlier in the hike. The ridge I came up is in the center. The white section is the start of the ridge at the top of the talus slope.
Mt. Sneffels summit, view west toward Dallas Peak and the Blue Lakes.
Mt. Sneffels summit, view west toward Dallas Peak and the Blue Lakes.
Close-up of Dallas Peak.
Close-up of Dallas Peak.
Mt. Sneffels summit, view northwest.
Mt. Sneffels summit, view northwest.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!