Starting along the Henry Lanum Memorial Trail, a loop.

It's pretty much just a forested walk to the base of Mount Pleasant.

Junction with the summit trail (left) to reach Mount Pleasant. The Henry Lanum loop continues to the right. I'll be getting back to this junction after checking out the Mount Pleasant summit.

Ascending to Mount Pleasant.

Approaching the west overlook of Mount Pleasant, the taller point.

West overlook from Mt. Pleasant.

Approaching the east overlook.

East overlook from Mount Pleasant.

Close-up of Cole Mountain (right center), where you can kind of make out the meadows of the summit through the haze.

After getting back to the Henry Lanum Memorial Trail junction, I continued the loop by following the southern half.

Some nice views, but overall mostly just a forested walk to complete the Mount Pleasant loop.

Back at the trailhead, completing the Mount Pleasant loop.

Now for Cole Mountain. I started from the same trailhead and headed along the Old Hotel Trail, the southern part of the loop (clockwise).

Some nice views along the hike.

Hotel Trail opens up for some meadows shortly after starting.

Hotel Trail winding up and down, mostly forested for its duration.

Hotel Trail passes a shelter (right) before ascending and then meeting up with the Appalachian Trail.

Viewpoint along the Appalachian Trail.

Along the Appalachian Trail as I head up to Cole Mountain.

Approaching the open meadows that are the Cole Mountain summit.

Beautiful summit area of Cole Mountain.

Looking back the way I came.

Heading down the east side of Cole Mountain along the Appalachian Trail.

The Appalachian Trail exits the woods.

Following the forest road east back to my original trailhead.
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