Starting along the Nebo Bench Trail. Starting from the Monument Trailhead, take the social trail just left of the wilderness sign. Cattle made it hard to find the true trail.

North Peak visible up there on the left.

Cattle on the Nebo Bench Trail.

Great meadowy views on the Nebo Bench Trail.

The Nebo Bench Trail is easy to follow (minus a couple of offshoot social trails) for the first two thirds.

View up at Mt. Nebo.

Looking back toward Mt. Nebo along the Nebo Bench Trail.

The Nebo Bench Trail gets a little tricky to follow around a certain point - if you find yourself bushwhacking, backtrack and find the trail.

The Nebo Bench Trail passes over a gully, another spot you can lose the trail.

Eventually, the trail completely disappears when you enter this meadow. The ridge ahead is the one I went up to gain the traverse. The Nebo Bench Trail, however, doesn't go all the way to the ridge (see map).

Crossing through the meadow. There's a trail sign, but no trail.

Looking back across the trail-less meadow.

On the ridge, looking back across where the Nebo Bench Trail goes.

Heading up the ridge, looking down.

Heading up the ridge, looking toward the Nebo traverse.

Nebo Traverse coming up!

Looking back along the ridge.

Mt. Nebo South Peak, looking north to Mt. Nebo Middle Peak.

Stay left of the jagged-looking ridge, where a social trail safely takes you across.

Approaching the section most people call Class 3. It's really just a dirty, loose gully, and using the rocks on the right make it easier and less unpleasant, but adds a little bit of scrambling.

Close-up of the Class 3 section.

At the top of the Class 3 section, looking toward Mt. Nebo Middle Peak.

At the top of the Class 3 section, looking back at Mt. Nebo South Peak, the Class 3 section just below.

Mt. Nebo Middle Peak summit, looking back toward Mt. Nebo South Peak.

Mt. Nebo Middle Peak summit, looking toward Mt. Nebo.

Mt. Nebo ridge.

When the ridge leading up to Mt. Nebo starts to get a little rough, drop off on the right (east) and scramble on easier Class 2 terrain to the summit.

Looking down at the Class 2 approach to Mt. Nebo and back along the traverse - some guy was passing, so I got a shot for size reference.

Mt. Nebo summit, looking north.

Looking back toward the Mt. Nebo summit from Wolf Pass Peak (unofficial peak).

Close-up looking east where you can see the Nebo Bench Trail below on the ridge..

Mt. Nebo North Peak ahead.

You can head up the trail-less ridge to Mt. Nebo North Peak, or take the official trail and backtrack slightly (see map).

I took the official trail and backtracked up to Mt. Nebo North Peak, but I recommend just taking the ridge.

Looking back toward Mt. Nebo.

Mt. Nebo North Peak, looking toward Mt. Nebo.

After summitting Mt. Nebo North Peak, head down along the official trail back to the trailhead.

Looking back toward the traverse, Mt. Nebo North Peak the first visible peak.

You can see two parking lots here - left side is North Peak Trailhead. The right side, you can see my car if you look closely, is the Monument Trailhead, my start point.

After hiking Mount Nebo, I checked out Devil's Kitchen. See trip report above for trailhead coordinates. This is a shot starting along the short, paved trail to Devil's Kitchen.

The Nebo Traverse I just did visible in the distance.

Devil's Kitchen overlook.

Devil's Kitchen.

Close-up of Mt. Nebo.
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