Mount Nebo North Peak in Uinta National Forest, UT

Hike Mount Nebo North Peak Uinta National Forest, UT

Class 1 6.1 miles 2200 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Aug 15, 2018

Mount Nebo North Peak GPX Track

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I wanted to do a big Mount Nebo range traverse and ciricle back to make it a big loop, but I wasn't sure how doable it would be, so I did some scouting and summitted this minor summit along the ridge, North Peak. The trail used to access North Peak is the standard route to reach Mount Nebo's summit. There's a nice trail the entire way to the just below the summit of North Peak, where you then need to leave the trail to hit the true summit. There's enough of a social trail that reahing the summit should be pretty straightforward, though of course it becomes a bit of a steeper hike after leaving the official trail. There's a great view of Mt. Nebo from North Peak's summit. I went back a couple weeks later and did the Mount Nebo Traverse, using the Nebo Bench Trail.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
North Peak
11174 ft
534 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting from the trailhead, you can see North Peak of Mt. Nebo.
Starting from the trailhead, you can see North Peak of Mt. Nebo.
You pretty much just follow the ridge the whole way up.
You pretty much just follow the ridge the whole way up.
Looking back the way I came.
Looking back the way I came.
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Image 4 from gallery
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Image 6 from gallery
Trail switchbacks up on the right side of this basin.
Trail switchbacks up on the right side of this basin.
Looking back down the small basin.
Looking back down the small basin.
Almost at the ridge.
Almost at the ridge.
Follow the ridge to North Peak. Mt. Nebo pops up on the right.
Follow the ridge to North Peak. Mt. Nebo pops up on the right.
Looking back down the route I came up. Trailhead is somewhere on the right down there.
Looking back down the route I came up. Trailhead is somewhere on the right down there.
Continuing up the ridge. The trail doesn't follow the ridge after a certain point and you need to find a social trail to the summit.
Continuing up the ridge. The trail doesn't follow the ridge after a certain point and you need to find a social trail to the summit.
Along a social trail to the summit of North Peak.
Along a social trail to the summit of North Peak.
Looking back down the ridge, just below the summit.
Looking back down the ridge, just below the summit.
Mt. Nebo North Peak summit, looking toward Mt. Nebo. I'll get up there soon when I have more time!
Mt. Nebo North Peak summit, looking toward Mt. Nebo. I'll get up there soon when I have more time!
Image 16 from gallery

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!