Starting along the Sam Merrill Trail.

Approaching Echo Mountain summit (sort of a summit).

Mt. Lowe Railway Historical Marker

Continuing up Castle Canyon Trail.

Looking back along the Castle Canyon Trail.

Looking back down the Castle Canyon Trail. Lush San Gabriel Hills.

Approaching Inspiration Point.

A nice view from Inspiration Point back down the Castle Canyon Trail.

Inspiration Point, Mt. Lowe somewhere behind and to the right.

Mt. Lowe ahead.

Looking back along Mt. Lowe East Trail.

Close-up of the Inspiration Point shelter.

Looking back on the way up to Mt. Lowe, Mt. Wilson on the left.

On the side trail to summit Mt. Lowe, Mt. Markham (center) and San Gabriel Peak (left) visible.

Mt. Lowe summit.

Little viewfinders of the different mountains on the summit of Mt. Lowe.

Mt. Lowe summit view looking south.

Back on the trail to Mt. Markham. There is a trail that parallels the Mt. Wilson Road, a hundred feet below to the left. I'll be coming back on Mt. Wilson Road later.

Mt. Markham ahead.

Looking back toward Mt. Lowe on the way up to Mt. Markham.

Mt. Markham summit.

Mt. Markham summit looking toward San Gabriel Peak.

Back on the trail to San Gabriel Peak.

Heading up to San Gabriel Peak.

San Gabriel Peak ahead.

San Gabriel Peak summit, looking south.

San Gabriel Peak summit, looking toward Mt. Wilson, Mt. Baldy behind and to the left.

On the way down, a close-up of trail that parallels Mt. Wilson Road.

Along Mt. Wilson Road.

Mt. Wilson Road looking back toward Mt. Markham (center) and San Gabriel Peak (center left). Disappointment Peak far left.

Joined up with the Sam Merrill Trail again.

Sam Merrill Trail leads back to the Mt. Lowe Railway Historical Marker, which leads down to the trailhead.
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