Starting up the Romero Canyon Trail.

Romero Canyon below in the center.

Approaching Romero Pools.

Romero Pools.

Romero Pools close-up.

Continuing up Romero Canyon.

The Romero Canyon Trail gains some elevation in open desert, eventually getting above this incredible section of narrows.

Close-up of some narrows along the Romero Canyon Trail.

Continuing up Romero Canyon, Cathedral Rock visible top right.

Romero Canyon begins getting more lush and crosses a stream multiple times.

Forested section comes in.

Gaining elevation up to the saddle, and the trail becomes a little overgrown, but nothing crazy.

At the Mt. Lemmon - Cathedral Rock saddle looking north toward the ridgeline to Mt. Lemmon. Join the Arizona Trail.

Looking back toward Sabino Canyon, the opposite side of the saddle from Romero Canyon, and Cathedral Rock on the far right.

Along the Arizona Trail.

Along the Arizona Trail looking back toward Cathedral Rock.

Lots of false summits on the way up to Mt. Lemmon.

Along the Arizona Trail looking back toward Cathedral Rock.

Mt. Lemmon comes into view!

Some cool rock formations along the Arizona Trail.

Forested section nearing Mt. Lemmon summit.

Forest road leading up for the last bit. You start to see more people around here.

Along the Meadows Trail.

Looking back, Cathedral Rock in the center.

Approaching Mt. Lemmon summit, true summit blocked by an observation tower.

Headed back down, on Mt. Lemmon Trail #5, with nicer views.

Mt. Lemmon Trail #5.

Junction with the Sutherland Trail.

The Sutherland Trail follows this ridge for a bit heading west.

Sutherland Trail splits off from the ridge and starts to follow another ridge headed southwest.

Looking back toward Mt. Lemmon along the Sutherland Trail.

Views of Cathedral Rock on the Sutherland Trail.

That flat area? Yeah, still have to get way down there.

Looking back up the general route of the Sutherland Trail.

Sutherland Trail becomes a dirt road once you leave the mountainside.

Follow the dirt road for a long time.

Eventually, a trail marker points west off the dirt road, where the Sutherland Trail becomes single track again.

Table Mountain visible in the distance along the Sutherland Trail.

Close-up of Table Mountain, Bighorn Peak, Pusch Peak (left to right).

Final stream crossing of the day before arriving back in Catalina State Park.
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