Mount Kimball via Finger Rock Canyon in Coronado National Forest, AZ

Hike Mount Kimball via Finger Rock Canyon Coronado National Forest, AZ

Class 1 9.6 miles 4200 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Mar 29, 2016

Mount Kimball via Finger Rock Canyon GPX Track

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Mount Kimball is a wooded high point on the west side of the Santa Catlina Mountains. I chose to take the Finger Rock Canyon Trail #42 to reach the summit. From the trailhead I started along the wide and well-maintained trail into the mouth of Finger Rock Canyon. Leaving the watercourse shortly after entering the canyon, the trail ascends on the east slope, offering great views down-canyon and toward Tucson, AZ. Higher up the trail enters a more forested setting with cool rock outcroppings popping out all over the place. Once I reached the south side of Mount Kimball, I reached a junction with the Pima Canyon Trail #62. I then followed the Pima Canyon Trail for s ahort time and took a spur trail to the summit of Mount Kimball.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Kimball
7258 ft
1098 rise

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Entering Finger Rock Canyon, Mount Kimball visible center.
Entering Finger Rock Canyon, Mount Kimball visible center.
Image 1 from gallery
The mouth of Finger Rock Canyon.
The mouth of Finger Rock Canyon.
Image 3 from gallery
Ascending through Finger Rock Canyon on a nice trail.
Ascending through Finger Rock Canyon on a nice trail.
View back down toward the canyon mouth.
View back down toward the canyon mouth.
Higher up, view back.
Higher up, view back.
The trail continues to ascend along the eastern slope of the canyon.
The trail continues to ascend along the eastern slope of the canyon.
Another shot back down.
Another shot back down.
Image 9 from gallery
Image 10 from gallery
Image 11 from gallery
Along the eastern slope, view into the canyon.
Along the eastern slope, view into the canyon.
Image 13 from gallery
Image 14 from gallery
The trail continues to ascend to the Pima Canyon Trail, lots of pretty rock outcropping popping up at the higher elevation.
The trail continues to ascend to the Pima Canyon Trail, lots of pretty rock outcropping popping up at the higher elevation.
Image 16 from gallery
Image 17 from gallery
Mount Kimball summit. Table Mountain seen to the west.
Mount Kimball summit. Table Mountain seen to the west.
View northwest.
View northwest.
Mont Lemmon, Cathedral Rock, Window Peak.
Mont Lemmon, Cathedral Rock, Window Peak.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!