Mount Holmes in Henry Mountains BLM, UT

Hike Mount Holmes Henry Mountains BLM, UT

Class 3 7.4 miles 3500 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Oct 24, 2019

Mount Holmes GPX Track

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Mount Holmes was a totally unexpected treat. What appeared to be a bushwhack in the middle of the desert turned out to have some fun scrambling and route-finding, along with some of the best desert views I've experienced to date from a summit. Mount Holmes is part of the Little Rockies Wilderness Study Area, along with Mount Ellsworth, both high-prominence peaks of the remote Henry Mountains.

Starting along the side of UT-276, we dropped into a wash that paralleled the road and followed it until we found a hard-to-locate old road heading generally east through the desert. This road winds around, undulates slightly, and eventually leads to a break in some large sandstone cliffs. Just before ascending to the cliff break where the road forks, take the left fork.

After passing through the break in the cliffs, we meandered through the desert on slickrock sandstone and mostly pleasant terrain. Soon, we reached the major northern ridge of Mount Holmes, which we followed for its entirety to the summit. The ridge became riddled with sandstone outcroppings, mostly avoidable by keeping to the left (east). If you find yourself getting cliffed out, simply leave the ridge and keeping lower on the east side.

We made our way to the base of a large sandstone butte, which we bypassed by wrapping around its east side and along a somewhat narrow ridge. This ridge led us to the base of some volcanic-looking rock pinnacles, where route-finding became a bit tricky. On the ascent, we side-hilled on loose, terrible rock but discovered a better route on the descent (the route included in my attached map). The more optimal route involved hugging the cliff face and ascending as soon as we found a Class 2+ gully that leads back to the ridgeline. This approach avoids both the scree slope to the east and the sketchy rock pinnacles to the west.

Once on the volcanic-looking ridgeline, the route became less technical, transitioning into a steep ascent along an animal trail to the summit. A short Class 2 section of small talus marked the final stretch to the top. The views of Lake Powell from the summit were stunning.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Holmes
7998 ft
2278 rise

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Along an old dirt road, Mount Holmes visible top right.
Along an old dirt road, Mount Holmes visible top right.
After following the road as it wanders through the desert, we reached a break in the sandstone cliffs above.
After following the road as it wanders through the desert, we reached a break in the sandstone cliffs above.
The road leads to this break in the sandstone.
The road leads to this break in the sandstone.
The road ascends and we reached this break in the sandstone cliffs, a view northeast toward Mount Hillers.
The road ascends and we reached this break in the sandstone cliffs, a view northeast toward Mount Hillers.
Past the break in the cliffs (visible above Matt's head) as we ascend on slickrock and soft, pleasant terrain.
Past the break in the cliffs (visible above Matt's head) as we ascend on slickrock and soft, pleasant terrain.
Mount Holmes ahead. You can see the sandstone ridge obstacle course in front of it on the left.
Mount Holmes ahead. You can see the sandstone ridge obstacle course in front of it on the left.
Along the sandstone ridge obstacle course. For the most part, sticking to the crest was fine, but if we got cliffed out we just stuck to the left side. As you can see, it's not much easier over there though.
Along the sandstone ridge obstacle course. For the most part, sticking to the crest was fine, but if we got cliffed out we just stuck to the left side. As you can see, it's not much easier over there though.
Along the ridge crest. Ahead is a big sandstone outcrop bump, which we avoided on the left.
Along the ridge crest. Ahead is a big sandstone outcrop bump, which we avoided on the left.
View back.
View back.
Avoiding the big sandstone bump outcrop on the left side on a wide ledge, which brought us to the end of the sandstone. We continued along the ridge visible center. You can see a pinnacly-looking section left of center.
Avoiding the big sandstone bump outcrop on the left side on a wide ledge, which brought us to the end of the sandstone. We continued along the ridge visible center. You can see a pinnacly-looking section left of center.
View back toward the sandstone hump outcrop we avoided on the east side.
View back toward the sandstone hump outcrop we avoided on the east side.
Another shot back as we kept to the east side of the next section of tricky route-finding.
Another shot back as we kept to the east side of the next section of tricky route-finding.
We stuck to the base of the cliffs and found a Class 2 weakness to get back on the ridge.
We stuck to the base of the cliffs and found a Class 2 weakness to get back on the ridge.
Back on the ridge, view back. The pinnacly-looking obstacle we avoided by initially staying low is visible center.
Back on the ridge, view back. The pinnacly-looking obstacle we avoided by initially staying low is visible center.
Class 2 along the ridgeline, Mount Holmes up there on the right.
Class 2 along the ridgeline, Mount Holmes up there on the right.
View back along the ridge back toward the pinnacly-section.
View back along the ridge back toward the pinnacly-section.
We followed an animal trail most of the way up. There wasn't any more scrambling until the summit, just steep slope walking.
We followed an animal trail most of the way up. There wasn't any more scrambling until the summit, just steep slope walking.
Image 17 from gallery
View back as we make our way up to Mount Holmes.
View back as we make our way up to Mount Holmes.
Cool pinnacles on Mount Holmes' north ridge.
Cool pinnacles on Mount Holmes' north ridge.
A short section of scree/talus before the summit area.
A short section of scree/talus before the summit area.
Class 2 to the summit of Mount Holmes.
Class 2 to the summit of Mount Holmes.
Mount Holmes summit, view northwest toward its crazy lower sub-summit. Fortunately that wasn't the high point or we likely wouldn't have been able to get to it. Mount Hillers visible in the distance.
Mount Holmes summit, view northwest toward its crazy lower sub-summit. Fortunately that wasn't the high point or we likely wouldn't have been able to get to it. Mount Hillers visible in the distance.
Mount Holmes summit, view south toward Lake Powell and Mount Ellsworth.
Mount Holmes summit, view south toward Lake Powell and Mount Ellsworth.
Mount Holmes summit, view east toward Lake Powell.
Mount Holmes summit, view east toward Lake Powell.
Image 25 from gallery
Wide shot of the summit area, east.
Wide shot of the summit area, east.
Close-up toward Lake Powell.
Close-up toward Lake Powell.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!