Mount Baden-Powell, Throop Peak, Mount Islip Traverse in Angeles National Forest, CA

Hike Mount Baden-Powell, Throop Peak, Mount Islip Traverse Angeles National Forest, CA

Class 1 13.4 miles 4600 gain 6-8 hrs Shuttle Dec 9, 2017

Mount Baden-Powell, Throop Peak, Mount Islip Traverse GPX Track

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This is a great traverse that follows the Pacific Crest Trail of some of the high peaks of the San Gabriel Mountains. Along the way, you'll summit five peaks: Mt. Baden-Powell, Mt. Burnham, Throop Peak, Mt. Hawkins, and Mt. Islip. Starting from Vincent Gap, take the moderately steep switchbacks to the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell, then follow the ridge, where all the peaks have a trail to the summit (though it was a little hard to find a trail on the opposite side to descend for a couple of them), ending at Mt. Islip. Unfortunately, there's no official trail leading down the north ridge of Mt. Islip, so head back and follow the trail back to the second car. Shuttle or hitchhike required.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Baden-Powell
9399 ft
2799 rise
Mount Burnham
8997 ft
197 rise
Throop Peak
9138 ft
618 rise
Mount Hawkins
8850 ft
130 rise
Mount Islip
8250 ft
662 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Vincent Gap Trailhead.
Vincent Gap Trailhead.
Switchbacks relentlessly to the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell.
Switchbacks relentlessly to the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell.
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Approaching the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell.
Approaching the summit of Mt. Baden-Powell.
Junction with the PCT, left goes to the summit, right continues along the ridgeline.
Junction with the PCT, left goes to the summit, right continues along the ridgeline.
Image 15 from gallery
Looking back at the ridgeline.
Looking back at the ridgeline.
Mt. Baden-Powell summit.
Mt. Baden-Powell summit.
Back along the ridge after summiting.
Back along the ridge after summiting.
Mt. Burnham coming up.
Mt. Burnham coming up.
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Looking back toward Mt. Baden-Powell.
Looking back toward Mt. Baden-Powell.
Throop Peak ahead.
Throop Peak ahead.
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Close-up of Throop Peak.
Close-up of Throop Peak.
Looking south into a canyon, Mt. Baldy on the left.
Looking south into a canyon, Mt. Baldy on the left.
Image 28 from gallery
Throop Peak looking back toward Mt. Burnham and Mt. Baden-Powell.
Throop Peak looking back toward Mt. Burnham and Mt. Baden-Powell.
Throop Peak summit.
Throop Peak summit.
Heading down from the Throop Peak summit looking toward Mt. Hawkins (left) and Mt. Islip (right).
Heading down from the Throop Peak summit looking toward Mt. Hawkins (left) and Mt. Islip (right).
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Approaching Mt. Hawkins (left out of frame)
Approaching Mt. Hawkins (left out of frame)
From Mt. Hawkins summit looking toward Mt. Islip.
From Mt. Hawkins summit looking toward Mt. Islip.
Fire-destroyed area.
Fire-destroyed area.
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Close-up of Mt. Islip.
Close-up of Mt. Islip.
Mt. Islip just along the ridge!
Mt. Islip just along the ridge!
Looking back from the saddle of Mt. Islip. You return here after summiting Mt. Islip to continue the traverse.
Looking back from the saddle of Mt. Islip. You return here after summiting Mt. Islip to continue the traverse.
On the way up Mt. Islip, looking back toward the ridge we came on.
On the way up Mt. Islip, looking back toward the ridge we came on.
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Image 42 from gallery
Mt. Islip summit.
Mt. Islip summit.
Mt. Islip summit looking back toward the ridgeline we did.
Mt. Islip summit looking back toward the ridgeline we did.
Mt. Islip summit looking west toward the forest fires. :(
Mt. Islip summit looking west toward the forest fires. :(
After coming back down from Mt. Islip summit, continue for a couple more miles to get back to the car shuttle.
After coming back down from Mt. Islip summit, continue for a couple more miles to get back to the car shuttle.
The road just below.
The road just below.
Exiting the forest, just above Islip Saddle (where the second car is parked).
Exiting the forest, just above Islip Saddle (where the second car is parked).

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!