Mount Audubon in Roosevelt National Forest, CO

Hike Mount Audubon Roosevelt National Forest, CO

Class 2 7.9 miles 2800 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back Aug 24, 2018

Mount Audubon GPX Track

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The Brainard Lake Trailhead is very popular, and for good reason. The Indian Peaks Wilderness is a gorgeous area and its proximity to Denver means the crowds congregate here. The trail leading to Mount Audubon is overall well-graded and well-traveled, and its swichbacks mean the grade is kept really moderate. The trail becomes rocky and the last few hundred feet get a lot more steep and introduce some light Class 2. This pretty Colorado 13er's summit has views toward the other peaks in the Indian Peaks Wilderness and Longs Peak in the distance.

I originally intended to do a traverse of Mount Audubon to Pawnee Peak, but the wind was so incredibly overwhelming that I could barely stand up on Mt. Audubon's summit, let alone a Class 3 ridgeline, so I returned a few weeks later for that route.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Audubon
13223 ft
823 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting at the Mitchell Lake Trailhead.
Starting at the Mitchell Lake Trailhead.
Image 1 from gallery
Image 2 from gallery
Image 3 from gallery
After hiking up a few of switchbacks through the woods, you emerge above the trees and get really nice views of the Indian Peaks to the south.
After hiking up a few of switchbacks through the woods, you emerge above the trees and get really nice views of the Indian Peaks to the south.
Image 5 from gallery
Image 6 from gallery
The trail passes out of the treeline.
The trail passes out of the treeline.
Image 8 from gallery
Junction with the Audubon Trail.
Junction with the Audubon Trail.
Looking back down the Audubon Trail.
Looking back down the Audubon Trail.
Mt. Audubon appears!
Mt. Audubon appears!
Image 12 from gallery
Image 13 from gallery
Image 14 from gallery
It's a pretty moderate grade the whole way up.
It's a pretty moderate grade the whole way up.
Image 16 from gallery
Almost at a saddle where you can overlook toward Longs Peak.
Almost at a saddle where you can overlook toward Longs Peak.
Looking north toward Longs Peak before the Class 2 stuff to the summit.
Looking north toward Longs Peak before the Class 2 stuff to the summit.
Some Class 2 to the Mt. Audubon summit.
Some Class 2 to the Mt. Audubon summit.
Almost at Mt. Audubon's summit, looking back toward Longs Peak (back left).
Almost at Mt. Audubon's summit, looking back toward Longs Peak (back left).
Mt. Audubon summit!
Mt. Audubon summit!
Paiute Peak (right), Mt. Toll (middle). I'll be back for this traverse, asap.
Paiute Peak (right), Mt. Toll (middle). I'll be back for this traverse, asap.
Looking back toward Longs Peak (center), Coney Lake below.
Looking back toward Longs Peak (center), Coney Lake below.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!