Mount Adams via King Ravine in White Mountain National Forest, NH

Hike Mount Adams via King Ravine White Mountain National Forest, NH

Class 2 8.9 miles 4300 gain 4-6 hrs Loop Jun 30, 2016

Mount Adams via King Ravine GPX Track

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This route up to Mt. Adams starts along Lowes Path, and splits off to follow the really fun King Ravine Trail. Along the way, the trail passes the super luh and pretty Mossy Falls before setting out on Class 2 boulder-hopping as the trial steepens. A section of trail called The Subway squeezes between talus caves and other obstacles if you choose to take a slightly more difficult route. Another series of obstacles called Ice Caves adds even more fun scrambling. The trail leads to headwall that takes some Class 2+ moves to get to the ridgeline. I followed the Airline Trail up to Mt. Adams, then headed northwest back down along Lowes Path.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Adams
5799 ft
861 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Along Lowes Path.
Along Lowes Path.
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Mossy Falls.
Mossy Falls.
I thought Mossy Falls was a really nice place to hang out.
I thought Mossy Falls was a really nice place to hang out.
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King Ravine visible ahead.
King Ravine visible ahead.
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Lots of boulder-hopping.
Lots of boulder-hopping.
Looking back as I work up King Ravine.
Looking back as I work up King Ravine.
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Junction with The Subway spur trail.
Junction with The Subway spur trail.
Fun obstacles along the Subway spur trail.
Fun obstacles along the Subway spur trail.
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Ice Caves along King Ravine Trail.
Ice Caves along King Ravine Trail.
Along King Ravine Trail.
Along King Ravine Trail.
More Class 2 up to the ridgeline.
More Class 2 up to the ridgeline.
Looking back down King Ravine.
Looking back down King Ravine.
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Class 2+ headwall to gain the ridge.
Class 2+ headwall to gain the ridge.
Another shot looking back down King Ravine, the Class 2+ stuff below.
Another shot looking back down King Ravine, the Class 2+ stuff below.
View northeast toward Mt. Madison.
View northeast toward Mt. Madison.
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Class 2 up to Mt. Adams.
Class 2 up to Mt. Adams.
Mt. Adams summit, view toward Mt. Madison.
Mt. Adams summit, view toward Mt. Madison.
Mt. Adams summit, view southwest toward Mt. Jefferson.
Mt. Adams summit, view southwest toward Mt. Jefferson.
Working down from Mt. Adams along Lowes Path.
Working down from Mt. Adams along Lowes Path.
Along the northwest ridge of Mt. Adams along Lowes Path.
Along the northwest ridge of Mt. Adams along Lowes Path.
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Heading down Lowes Path. Typical White Mountain trail, pretty and green.
Heading down Lowes Path. Typical White Mountain trail, pretty and green.
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Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!