Starting toward Mountain Boy Peak (left of center) from Independence Pass.

Along the doubletrack trail. Mountain Boy Peak seen far left, Igloo Peak left of center.

View back toward Twining Peak.

Ascending to the first false summit of Igloo Peak.

First lump along the trail, view back.

Onward from the false summit to Igloo Peak, seen center. Grizzly Peak seen on the right in the distance.

Approaching Igloo Peak's summit along the trail.

Some lumpy rocks that the trail wraps around.

View back just below the summit of Igloo Peak.

Igloo Peak summit, view toward Mountain Boy Peak. The terrain was rough getting down.

Class 2+/3 down from Igloo Peak.

View back up at the Class 2 scree slope descent.

Traversing back to the ridge on a social trail through the scree.

View back at the scree traverse.

Igloo Peak seen above a we reach the ridge.

Onward to Mountain Boy Peak. A trail becomes visible.

View back at the ridge as we ascent Mountain Boy Peak, Igloo Peak seen top left.

The trail makes an ascending traverse up the slope. Grizzly Peak seen in the distance.

Another shot back at our progress, Igloo Peak right of center.

Close-up toward the Grizzly Reservoir to the west.

Mountain Boy Peak summit, view south toward Grizzly Peak.

Mountain Boy Peak summit, view east toward Twin Lakes CO.

We backtracked and decided to wrap around the north side of Igloo Peak.

View back toward Mountain Boy Peak as we traverse beneath the north face of Igloo Peak.

Class 2, but the slope becomes steep and more dangerous. We made our way to the right side of the large boulder seen center.

The social trail was visible most of the time, but did fade a bit. This is looking back just as we rejoin the main trail to Igloo Peak.
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