Mount Union in Prescott National Forest, AZ

Hike Mount Union Prescott National Forest, AZ

Class 1 4.1 miles 1200 gain 1-2 hr Out + Back Oct 9, 2021

Mount Union GPX Track

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Mount Union can be access from a few different directions, and with a burly enough vehicle you can drive to nearly the summit. The longer approach from the south via the Yankee Doodle Trail sounded more appealing, but the drive on reportedly bad dirt roads deterred me. Instead I chose to get to the peak via the Dandrea Trail. It's a bit of a drive from Prescott, Arizona along good dirt roads to access the trailhead. There's only room for a few cars, otherwise you'll be parking along the narrow road next to residential driveways.

I sarted east along the trail, which was just an old converted road. Keep right at the couple of trail (road) junctions as you ascend. The hike narrowed into a trail eventually as it made small switchbacks up to the northeastern ridge of Mount Union. From here a short hike along the pretty Yankee Doodle Trail continued south and up to the summit. Mount Union has a closed-off fire tower, but the views are still nice.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Union
7979 ft
2939 rise

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Starting along the Dandrea Trail. It's pretty ugly.
Starting along the Dandrea Trail. It's pretty ugly.
Junction, keep right and continue ascending.
Junction, keep right and continue ascending.
Forested walk on an old road.
Forested walk on an old road.
Progress up the Dandrea Trail.
Progress up the Dandrea Trail.
The road narrows a bit as it switchbacks up to Moun Union's northeast ridge.
The road narrows a bit as it switchbacks up to Moun Union's northeast ridge.
At the ridge. Pass through the fence.
At the ridge. Pass through the fence.
Along the Yankee Doodle Trail, heading to Mount Union.
Along the Yankee Doodle Trail, heading to Mount Union.
View back.
View back.
Some views along the Yankee Doodle Trail.
Some views along the Yankee Doodle Trail.
Mount Union comes into view.
Mount Union comes into view.
Nicer views as I near the summit. This is looking back the way I came.
Nicer views as I near the summit. This is looking back the way I came.
Short forested walk to reach the summit.
Short forested walk to reach the summit.
Mount Union summit, view north.
Mount Union summit, view north.
Mount Union summit, view west.
Mount Union summit, view west.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!