Class 2 3.6 miles 1900 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back May 9, 2020

Mount Stirling GPX Track

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Mount Stirling is perfectly forgettable peak at the northern end of the Spring Mountains, and the road required to get to the trailhead takes long enough to drive that even doing the peak feels almost not worth the effort. Jon and I teamed up to attempt the road together, unsure of its quality. My Subaru had no trouble until the last mile, where a couple of rutted sections gave me pause. I'd say you need at least mid clearance, but not necessarily 4WD if you're okay with walking an extra couple of miles. Google Maps won't take you to the trailhead. Instead, navigate to here (36.5746, -115.87831) and follow this good dirt road to here (36.49144, -115.93494) where you should take the left fork and it will bring you to the trailhead.

From our parking spot, we started along a forest road that I might have been able to drive farther on, but we were happy to get a little extra hiking in. On the ascent, we took a more direct route (blue line on the map), leaving the road in favor of starting up a gully. Although it was slightly brushy, it wasn't a bad 'shwack and I wouldn't say you should avoid it. However, the forest road does continue a bit farther until about 6800 feet, where a social trail leads south to meet up with the more direct route. Either way, we ended up at the remains of some human-made ruins at Gold Spring. We started up the ridge directly south of here, a decent animal trail faciliting the route. It was easy to lose the trail, but the bushwhacking wasn't bad by any means. We put some effort into locating the trail as we ascended, and I'd recommend not going up to the crest of the ascent ridge. It becomes choked with scraggly forest around 7200 feet and the going is slow. I have therefore only included our descent route on my attached map, which follows a fairly well-traveled animal/social trail and worked quite well to bring us to the less forested ridge higher up, avoiding pretty much all unpleasant foliage. From here, following the ridge crest was great, and we made it to the summit with little effort. There was some minor Class 2 talus before the summit, the biggest obstacle.

The views were nice, but we were underwhelmed. I think Mount Stirling had been on our mutual to-do list for so long that it became more exciting on paper than in real life. Regardless, we were happy to get the peak and the views toward Charleston Peak were unique at this angle.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Stirling
8219 ft
1018 rise

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Following the forest road for a bit.
Following the forest road for a bit.
We left the forest road and ascended a steep gully. Alternatively, you could follow the road farther and head south to reach Gold Spring. From Gold Spring, we continued south, pictured here.
We left the forest road and ascended a steep gully. Alternatively, you could follow the road farther and head south to reach Gold Spring. From Gold Spring, we continued south, pictured here.
Looking back, you can see the dirt road we hiked in on.
Looking back, you can see the dirt road we hiked in on.
Continuing up the steep slope, just right of the ridge crest on an animal trail. It's just a forested, unmemorable ascend to the summit ridge.
Continuing up the steep slope, just right of the ridge crest on an animal trail. It's just a forested, unmemorable ascend to the summit ridge.
Once on the summit ridge, heading to the summit. Some short, minor Class 2 to gain the summit.
Once on the summit ridge, heading to the summit. Some short, minor Class 2 to gain the summit.
Almost at the summit of Mount Stirling, view back down the ridge.
Almost at the summit of Mount Stirling, view back down the ridge.
Mount Stirling summit ahead.
Mount Stirling summit ahead.
Mount Stirling summit, view south toward Charleston Peak.
Mount Stirling summit, view south toward Charleston Peak.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!