Mount Pinos Trailhead.

Starting along a dirt road/trail through the forest.

The hike emerges into a lumpy meadow.

Looking back as I hike through the meadow.

Mount Pinos ahead.

More forest before the summit.

Mount Pinos summit.

View east from the summit of Mount Pinos.

Distant peaks to the north.

Onward to Sawmill Mountain, first along a dirt road.

The singletrack trail section of the hike finally begins.

The trail drops a few hundred feet, great views to the south.

Sawmill Mountain seen ahead.

Wide switchbacks down the slope.

Chumash Wilderness sign.

Starting the ascent from the saddle.

View back toward Mount Pinos.

Pleasant forested trail.

Sawmill Mountain summit.

Sawmill Mountain summit, view nrotheast.

Summit of Sawmill Mountain, view west.
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