Starting along the Half Moon Trail.

Heading up to Half Moon Pass.

Heading down Half Moon Pass, the trail skirting the slopes.

Mt. of the Holy Cross visible ahead.

Another shot of Mt of the Holy Cross as we descend from Half Moon Pass.

Crossing East Cross Creek, ready to start ascending Mt. of the Holy Cross' north ridge.

Looking back the way we came.

Mt. of the Holy Cross peeking out.

Another view down the north slopes of Mt. of the Holy Cross. Half Moon Pass in the center.

Continuing up Class 2 stuff along the ridge.

Another shot looking back down the ridge.

Mt. of the Holy Cross ahead, the Bowl of Tears visible on the left.

A view back along the ridge.

Some Class 2 below the summit.

Another shot along the ridge, just off-trail, East Cross Creek below.

The ridge wraps around to the west side of Mt. of the Holy Cross. This is a shot to the west on the way up the Class 2 as the clouds rolled in.

View south toward Holy Cross Ridge. Maybe another day!

Continuing up the Class 2 to the summit.

Mount of the Holy Cross summit shot, view north.

Mt. of the Holy Cross, view south.

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