Starting along the Hendrys Creek Trail.

The hike reaches the creek and follows it for a few miles.

Some cool cliffy features on the sides of Hendrys Creek.

A few easy creek crossings.

We were lucky to get some excellent fall colors.

Emerging from the forest into a field with a nice glimpse toward Mount Moriah.

Ascending via the Hendrys Creek Trail up Mount Moriah's southern slope.

View back into Hendrys Creek. Old Man Mountain (left) and Second Fork Peak (right) seen in the distance, the other side of our loop.

Ascending along Mount Moriah's southeastern slope.

A meadow beneath Mount Moriah.

View back just before reaching the northeast ridge.

Trail junction at the northeast ridge, Mount Moriah seen right of center.

We headed off-trail along the ridge on the right.

Ascending toward Mount Moriah. Often a social trail appears.

View back along the northeast ridge. We came up from the right.

Social trail leading to the saddle on Mount Moriah's northeastern side. Sam and Sean ascended the steep ridge ahead. Luke and I stuck to the trail on the left.

View back.

View back again, now along the trail that wraps around the southeastern base of the peak.

Mount Moriah in the center.

Cool hoodoos along this trail.

View back, Hendrys Creek on the right.

Steep last few hundred feet to get back to the ridgeline.

View back. We came up from right of center after wrapping around the outcroppings. Behind me is some light Class 2 to get to the summit.

Close-up toward the ridge.

Just below the summit, view back again.

Just past the summit of Mount Moriah, view toward a hump along the ridge we chose to go up and over. Silver Creek Baldy is seen poking out right of center, Second Fork Peak center, Old Man Mountain left. Wheeler Peak in Great Basin National Park is in the distant center. Hendrys Creek seen left/center.

Close-up along the ridge.

View back up toward Mount Moriah.

After going up and over a hump along the way, a view back toward Mount Moriah again.

Descending to the saddle with Silver Creek Baldy, seen on the left.

I loved the landscape in this area. The views were spectacular.

Nearing the saddle. Silver Creek Baldy started looking awfully big as we got closer.

Ascending Silver Creek Baldy.

On the way up Silver Creek Baldy, view back toward the hump blocking Mount Moriah from view.

Light Class 2 to the summit of Silver Creek Baldy.

Just below the summit, view back toward Mount Moriah, seen poking out.

Silver Creek Baldy, view toward Second Fork Peak (right) and Old Man Mountain (center).

Steep, soft descent from Silver Creek Baldy.

At the saddle, looking up at the cool formations on Second Fork Peak's northwest face.

A nice clearing at the saddle just before starting the ascent to Second Fork Peak. The ascent leads through the trees to reach the peak's northern ridge, and then we traversed south to gain the high point.

View back toward Silver Creek Baldy and Mount Moriah.

Ascending steeply. Fortunately it was mostly open forested terrain.

Another shot back through the trees toward Silver Creek Baldy.

Steeper stuff as we near the northern ridge of Second Fork Peak.

Heading south along the ridge.

Continuing along the ridge, the high point seen ahead.

Class 2/2+, though easier options likely exist, including if you wrap around the summit area on the left and then ascend.

Summit of Second Fork Peak's cool-looking cliffs, view back toward Silver Creek Baldy (left) and Mount Moriah (center).

Heading down from Second Fork Peak, Old Man Mountain visible on the left.

Another steep, soft, pleasant descent. There were some cliff bands to avoid, as well as a wider ridgeline that made it unclear which direction was correct since trees often blocked the view.

Old Man Mountain ahead.

Similar ascent as Second Fork Peak was.

A bit rockier higher up.

View back toward Second Fork Peak.

Class 2 as we near the summit. You can avoid some harder stuff by keeping just to the right.

Final bit to the summit of Old Man Mountain.

Old Man Mountain summit, view back toward Second Fork Peak (left) and Mount Moriah (right).

Close-up toward Notch Peak.

We chose to descend to the north, seen ahead.

Still pleasant terrain.

Steep descent through bristlecone pines just left of the ridgeline. I don't recommend getting to far from the ridge or you'll be forced down in the wrong direction and have to side-hill back.

Along the ridge, still quite nice.

View back up as we encounter some Class 2 for a while.

Talus on the descent. It's probably best to keep just to the right of the rim to avoid excessive talus and potentially scary scrambling.

View into Hendrys Creek, the final few hundred feet of descending.

Some bushwhacking as we neared the trail, but it only last a short time and wasn't too bad.
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