Starting along the Naomi Peak Trail after leaving Tony Grove Lake.

Mount Magog seen ahead.

Ascending the Naomi Peak Trail.

At the top of this slope, I left the trail.

Heading up to Mount Magog.

I hiked up a grassy slope to reach the west ridge of Mount Magog, the peak seen on the right.

View back along the grassy slope. Tony Grove is somewhere in the center/left.

Along the west ridge of Mount Magog.

A social trail avoids most of the rocky stuff.

View along the west ridge toward Naomi Peak.

After keeping right of the crest, the social trail leads up this weakness to gain the summit (Class 2).

Mount Magog summit, view toward Tony Grove Lake (center).

Mount Magog summit, view toward White Pine Lake, Mount Gog (right) and Bullen Hole Peak (left).

View toward Naomi Peak (left) and the start of the traverse from Naomi to Bullen Hole (right).

Along the west ridge, headed toward Naomi. I reached this outcrop. I could have kept left around it, but the crest was calling me.

View back along the crest toward Mount Magog (right).

A very cool cravasse along the crest.

Naomi Peak ahead, but the landscape was surprisingly more tedious than it appears on topo maps.

Back on the Naomi Peak Trail, seen below.

Approaching the saddle.

Spur trail to Naomi Peak.

View back toward Mount Magog.

Naomi Peak, view north.

Naomi Peak, view west. Cherry Peak seen on the right.

Naomi Peak, view southwest.

View toward the saddle, now headed north.

View back toward Naomi Peak.

View back along the traverse.

Approaching a steep and unexpected obstacle.

View up the Class 2/2+ steep slope section.

Some Class 2 side-hilling.

View back, just before the terrain calmed down again.

Almost to the base of Bullen hole Peak, view back along the ridgeline.

Bullen Hole Peak ahead.

Bullen Hole Peak, view south. Naomi (left), Cherry (right).

Close-up of Cherry Peak.

View north toward Doubletop Mountain.

Headed down from Bullen Hole Peak, Mount Gog on the left, Mount Magog on the right. White Pine Knob seen center.

Mount Gog and White Pine Knob.

Cool limestone slabs near the saddle. View back toward Bullen Hole Peak.

A social trail leads up Mount Gog.

Class 2/2+ small cliff band below the summit.

Mount Gog summit, view toward White Pine Lake and Mount Magog.

Back at the saddle, now descending to White Pine Lake.

Close-up toward Mount Magog and White Pine Lake.

A good social trail led me down to the lake.

View back up at the social trail.

White Pine Lake below.

Gorgeous cliffs, and Mount Magog looming above.

The social trail would be hard to find if starting from below. This is a view back up at the saddle I just descended from.

White Pine Lake.

View back toward White Pine Lake.

Mount Magog above. The White Pine Lake Trail leads up to the ridge seen on the left.

Pleasant forest stroll.

View back as the trail starts ascending, Mount Gog seen on the right.

Ascending to the ridge above.

View back again.

Once I reached the pass, I left the trail to make a short bushwhack to White Pine Knob.

White Pine Knob, view west.

Along the White Pine Lake Trail, descending back to Tony Grove.

Looking back, Mount Magog seen top left.

Tony Grove Lake.
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