Logan Pass, heading along a side road that leads to Mount Irish's south ridge, ahead.

Steep ridge ascent.

Looking back toward Logan Pass.

Along the crest of Mount Irish's south ridge. The green weakness in the center of this photo is more or less where the route leads.

Some Class 2 along the ridge crest.

Good view point toward the weakness. I recommend keeping to the ridge crest until the lowest point, dropping to the left of the ridge when an easier option exists. Then, head toward the weakness in the center of this photo. Mount Irish is not visible yet.

Following the Class 2 route to the previous photo's weakness.

Looking back along the ridgeline as I ascend to the weakness.

Pinnacles and cairns work as landmarks for locating the easiest route up.

Looking back from behind a pinnacle on a social trail.

Class 2+ move to gain the rim. You can see the south ridge where I came from poking out in the center.

Continuing north through lightly vegetated terrain. Staying too far to the right would result in summitting a bump along the ridge, but staying to far to the left results in dropping farther than necessary.

Looking back as I ascend the slopes.

Mount Irish becomes visible ahead. My route of choice led to the ridge on the summit's right side, crossing the slopes in the center of this photo.

Almost at the ridge. Mount Irish visible top left.

A nice view point looking east before I start up the east ridge of Mount Irish.

Looking back the way I came. I traversed the slopes in the center of this photo and came up from the ridge on the left. In the foreground is some of the Class 2 terrain to contend with. It's steep and rocky, but not bad.

Mount Irish ahead.

Mount Irish summit, view back along the east ridge.

Mount Irish summit, view north.

Mount Irish summit.
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