A shot up from where we parked toward Cass Creek Peak (left) and Mount Hillers (right).

Hiking up the old road to its terminus.

Cass Creek Peak seen left. Here we're in the drainage labeled "Cass Creek", which leads to the saddle above.

Brushy stuff higher up in the drainage.

Approaching the saddle, Cass Creek Peak on the left.

Heading up Cass Creek Peak, Mount Hillers seen center.

Steep and loose, sometimes Class 2.

View back down Cass Creek Peak.

Ridgeline to the summit.

Cass Creek Peak summit, view toward Mount Pennell (left) and Mount Ellen (center).

Cass Creek Peak summit, Mount Hillers top center.

On an old road to reach the base of Mount Hillers.

Loose talus up to the ridgeline.

Along the north ridge of Mount Hillers.

Sometimes brushy, sometimes rocky, often both.

View back, Cass Creek Peak seen center.

Continuing up the ridgeline.

Steeper section within the burn area.

Another shot back as we near a flatter portion before the summit.

Short, flatter section before the final ascent.

Nearly at the summit ridge, view back down. Cass Creek Peak seen right of center.

Mount Hillers ahead.

View back along the summit ridge.

Mount Holmes and Mount Ellsworth below.

Summit of Mount Hillers, view northeast.

Close-up toward the Colorado River, Abajo Peak in the distance.
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