Camp Lamoille. Mount Gilbert seen right of center.

After hiking along the Right Fork Lamoille Creek Trail on its right side for a short time, the trail crossed the creek and ascended steeply to the Ruby Mountains Wilderness sign.

More hiking along the Right Fork Lamoille Creek Trail, portions of it a bit overgrown, though still easy to follow.

Ascending out of the drainage.

And up into the valley, Mount Gilbert seen top right.

Looking south toward the direction we'd be returning from later.

We left the trail and ascended up the basin-like feature on Mount Gilbert's northeast side.

View back, the trail comes up in the center.

Steep slopes, usually grassy enough that you can avoid any serious scrambling.

A likely avoidable, though fun, Class 3 cliff band on the way up.

Another shot back as we make progress up the steep slope.

Lots of Class 2, but also plenty of open grass. It's just a lot of vertical in a short amount of time.

Mount Gilbert comes into view. From here, we headed toward the center of this photo (where the little snow patch is), then traversed right on a bench/ledge feature. The little ridge on the far right is what Chris chose to use to ascend.

View back after ascending the slope, now on the bench/ledge.

The ridge Chris is ascending on is to the left, while I walked a bit past it and decided to use this slightly less exposed option.

View back down.

A Class 3 section higher up.

On the summit ridge of Mount Gilbert.

View back as we gain the summit. The trail is far below in the center.

Mount Gilbert summit, view south. Mount Mazama right of center. You can see the gully we ascended in the center with a tiny bit of snow it it. Well, we should have used it, at least.

Mount Gilbert summit, view north.

On the peak's northwest side, we descended using this Class 2 (with some Class 3) gully/slope.

A Class 3 section.

View back up.

Right at the bottom, the gully/slope cliffs out a bit, so we located a rock rib to get over (where Chris is) in order to reach the ground below.

And then we headed south along the cliff base of Mount Gilbert.

Close-up toward Mount Mazama.

View back at our progress.

The slope we were traversing along narrowed into a ledge. Once we cleared the south ridge of Mount Gilbert, we had to drop to the right a little bit.

And then we were able to continue traversing toward the gully. See the tree ahead? You might be able to use it to keep the following section Class 2/3 (with some exposure), but we chose to use the rocks to its left for a Class 3+ set of moves.

Chris and I decided to not get into the gully (which you can see on the left). I recommend getting into the gully when you can. As you can see, this is some horrible and dangerous stuff that we dealt with instead.

At the top of the gully, a view back to Mount Gilbert.

At the top of the gully, a view toward a Class 2 traverse to avoid a rocky hump.

And then we got a view of Echo Lake. No Echo Knob seen on the far left. We dropped down a bit, then headed to the right toward the grassy slope (seen far right) in order to get to Mount Mazama.

Class 2+ to the grass seen on the left.

View back toward the notch we descended from, now heading up to Mount Mazama.

View back as we make our way to Mount Mazama.

Mount Mazama ahead.

Mount Mazama summit, view north. Mount Gilbert seen on the right. Also, the cliffs at its base were pretty amazing-looking. We had just traversed above them, holy moly.

Headed down from Mount Mazama. We now had to traverse the boulder field seen center. No Echo Knob seen top center.

View back toward Mount Mazama (top) as we traverse the boulder field.

Echo Lake below.

Another shot back toward the end of the traverse, Mount Mazama seen on the left.

Ascending Class 2/3 to the north ridge of No Echo Knob.

No Echo Knob ahead.

Almost to the summit, a wide shot of the whole area.

View north from No Echo Knob's summit.

We made a descending traverse on the peak's west side to avoid the rocky-looking ridgeline. We originally intended to drop down to the trail and just take that, but it clearly didn't exist.

The side-hilling wasn't too bad.

Wrapping around to the south ridge of No Echo Knob, seen ahead.

View back, a cute little unnamed tarn seen on the left. Liberty Peak seen in the distance.

At the saddle on No Echo Knob's east side. Still no trail, though we did expect there to be one. We started the descent to Goat Lake.

Looking back up toward the saddle.

Attempting to stick to the old trail bed, but only the occasional cairn existed. I recommend just finding your own way down to Goat Lake.

Goat Lake below. As you can see, we had to deal with some marsh to get there.

Goat Lake.

Goat Lake, view up toward Mount Gilbert.

View back at Goat Lake once we picked up the Right Fork Lamoille Creek Trail.

Mount Gilbert seen top left.

Descending the valley.

View back up as we make progress down the nice trail.

View back shortly before reaching the spot we'd left the trail earlier to ascend to Mount Gilbert.
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