Sawmill Campground parking lot.

I hiked through the campground. Mount Conness seen above.

An old dirt road leads through the forest, a stream crossing along the way.

A view of Mount Conness. A sign reads Harvey Monroe Hall Natural Area.

A destroyed building along the trail.

A nice trail continues west.

The trail is in excellent shape until the point I leave it for my approach to Mount Conness.

View back along the trail.

I left the trail and ascended the Class 2 slope ahead. My first goal is to reach Alpine Lake above.

Lots of boulders, but a social trail marked with cairns is available, though not necessarily easy to follow.

View back down. My car is on the far right somewhere.

Much of the slope is grassy, mixed in with the boulders.

Alpine Lake. My ascent continues above it, right of center.

Alpine Lake. White Mountain seen right of center.

Class 2 from Alpine Lake to the slope above.

To join the east ridge of Mount Conness, I ascended the slope, then located this wide ramp leading up.

View back down at my progress from Alpine Lake.

Approaching the east ridge of Mount Conness.

East ridge, most scrambling avoidable by keeping just left on loose terrain. I chose to stick to the crest.

Class 2/3.

More enjoyable scrambling up Mount Conness' east ridge.

View back down at my progress along the east ridge. Alpine Lake seen far right.

At the top of the scramble, I reached a flat section of hiking. The summit is visible just ahead.

Mount Conness summit.

There's an well-established route, complete with a few sections of boulders constructed as stairs. There's some exposure, though.

View back along the ridge to the summit of Mount Conness.

Class 2/3 on the way up.

Mount Conness summit, view north toward North Peak and Excelsior Mountain.

Mount Conness summit view east.

View toward Young Lakes and Ragged Peak, as well as Tuolumne Meadows in the distance.

Tuolumne Valley to the west.

Onward from Mount Conness along a social trail toward White Mountain.

View back toward Mount Conness.

The social trail leads pleasantly down the south ridge of Mount Conness.

White Mountain comes into view.

A view toward Young Lakes (top right).

Descending Class 2 to the saddle with White Mountain.

View back toward the descent from Mount Conness.

At the saddle, starting up toward White Mountain. The crest has lots of tricky scrambling, so I recommend keeping just right of it beneath the significant obstacles.

Class 2 along the way.

View back, Mount Conness poking out top center.

Summit of White Mountain ahead. Large boulder add some Class 2/3.

White Mountain summit, view north toward Mount Conness.

White Mountain summit, view south.

White Mountain summit, view southeast toward Mount Dana.

Back at the saddle with Mount Conness, I located the social trail leading down from the rim.

View back up at the steep descent.

Another shot back toward the descent from the saddle.

I picked up a faint trail that became better as I continued. This is the same trail I came in on, but much farther in.

A shot back along the social trail, which eventually bumped into the spot where I had left it earlier to ascend Mount Conness.
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