Mount Baldy via Anderson Valley Trail in Dixie National Forest, UT

Hike Mount Baldy via Anderson Valley Trail Dixie National Forest, UT

Class 2 11.3 miles 3700 gain 5-7 hrs Out + Back Jun 15, 2024

Mount Baldy via Anderson Valley Trail GPX Track

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Mount Baldy is one of the major summits of the Pine Valley Mountains, but it's a bit lower than its taller neighbors like Big Point or Signal Peak. It's also located at the northern end of the range away from civilization, and likely forgotten due to its proximity to Zion National Park, so I was concerned about the quality of the trails. The West Valley Fire of 2018 affected a large area of this range, so I figured my best option for reaching this summit would be to take the mostly untouched Anderson Valley Trail, accessed from the New Harmony Trailhead.

Mount Baldy was the first peak of my trip to the Pine Valley Mountains, and I chose the hottest possible day to do this hike, deciding my umbrella hat for sun protection and snake gaiters were sufficient. Despite stupidly hiking through sun-exposed scrubland at this time of year, all went perfectly well, if uncomfortable.

I don't think any of the peaks in the Pine Valley Mountains have a trail to their summit, Mount Baldy being no exception, but fortunately I could get pretty close if the trail turned out to be in good shape, and it was. The Anderson Valley Trail heads south through a small park just outside Dixie National Forest, crossing a couple of streams before entering a brief tunnel of private property. It then continues into public land, initially slowly gaining elevation through the sagebrush and other shrubby stuff. A false summit of Mount Baldy hovers above for the majority of the hike.

The trail then begins a steady switchbacking ascent to the northern ridge of Mount Baldy, and I was happy to find it wasn't particularly overgrown and I was only infrequently brushed by encroaching plants. The Anderson Valley Trail reached the ridge and continued south before snaking westward, skirting the slopes of the peak. I passed a likely seasonal spring, and really enjoyed the views of boulder-strewn adjacent slopes.

I spent some time trying to decide my best route option to gain the summit, finding it made most sense to follow the trail to its highest point and then head up from there, which meant I would be leaving the Anderson Valley Trail on the northwest side of Mount Baldy. The initial slope was a short spurt through annoying aspens, but then I was able to hike unencumbered through grassy terrain except for a few downed trees up to the last few hundred vertical feet. Some brush up this final steep slope weren't too much of a hassle, but were the least pleasant portion of the hike. Some large boulders added some light scrambling. There were also tons of bees, adding extra obstacles.

The views from Mount Baldy were absolutely excellent, including toward the Kolob Canyons of Zion National Park, and the higher peaks of the Pine Valley Mountains. I wasn't sure which of two points was taller, but I believe it's the rockier Class 2 summit. I tried backtracking more directly to reach the trail, but it was brushier and less pretty, so I recommend using my ascent route both out and back, which I've included on my attached map.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mount Baldy
8893 ft
333 rise

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Starting along the Anderson Valley Trail. Mount Baldy seen above.
Starting along the Anderson Valley Trail. Mount Baldy seen above.
Well-signed trail system through the park.
Well-signed trail system through the park.
Zion visible in the distance.
Zion visible in the distance.
The trail crosses through private property for a short time.
The trail crosses through private property for a short time.
Ascending along the Anderson Valley Trail.
Ascending along the Anderson Valley Trail.
View back along the Anderson Valley Trail. Kolob Canyons visible on the right.
View back along the Anderson Valley Trail. Kolob Canyons visible on the right.
The Anderson Valley Trail ascends on the slopes on the right.
The Anderson Valley Trail ascends on the slopes on the right.
Switchbacks along the trail.
Switchbacks along the trail.
View back toward New Harmony.
View back toward New Harmony.
Progress up the slope. Above is a false summit of Mount Baldy.
Progress up the slope. Above is a false summit of Mount Baldy.
Continuing along the slopes along the Anderson Valley Trail.
Continuing along the slopes along the Anderson Valley Trail.
The trail reaches the northern ridge of Mount Baldy and continues.
The trail reaches the northern ridge of Mount Baldy and continues.
View back.
View back.
Ascending along the ridge briefly.
Ascending along the ridge briefly.
Then the trail skirts the northern slopes of Mount Baldy.
Then the trail skirts the northern slopes of Mount Baldy.
Mount Baldy up there somewhere.
Mount Baldy up there somewhere.
View back.
View back.
The Anderson Valley Trail continues to be in good shape.
The Anderson Valley Trail continues to be in good shape.
Another shot back as the trail heads through some trees.
Another shot back as the trail heads through some trees.
Crossing a stream.
Crossing a stream.
Continuing to the northwestern reaches of Mount Baldy.
Continuing to the northwestern reaches of Mount Baldy.
Another shot back.
Another shot back.
A more open section along the trail.
A more open section along the trail.
View back at some rock outcroppings.
View back at some rock outcroppings.
Nearing the point I chose to leave the trail.
Nearing the point I chose to leave the trail.
Onward off-trail toward the summit.
Onward off-trail toward the summit.
Mount Baldy seen up there.
Mount Baldy seen up there.
Looking back at some downed trees.
Looking back at some downed trees.
Generally easy walking toward the summit.
Generally easy walking toward the summit.
Mount Baldy ahead.
Mount Baldy ahead.
View back at my progress.
View back at my progress.
Final steep slope with some brush and embedded boulders.
Final steep slope with some brush and embedded boulders.
View back from just below the summit.
View back from just below the summit.
Mount Baldy, view southwest toward the higher peaks of the range, Big Point seen prominently.
Mount Baldy, view southwest toward the higher peaks of the range, Big Point seen prominently.
I believe the slightly higher point is the one seen here. Some minor Class 2 up there.
I believe the slightly higher point is the one seen here. Some minor Class 2 up there.
Excellent views toward the Kolob Canyons of Zion National Park.
Excellent views toward the Kolob Canyons of Zion National Park.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!