Moqui Peak seen from Kolob Terrace Road. We ascended the slope left of center, heading generally for the ledges on the left. Going too high would result cliffs.

View back toward the road, Tabernacle Dome visible top left.

A Class 2+ section that led us up the slope.

We located the vital ledge that would take us around to the south side of Moqui Peak.

Along the nice ledge. Below is a cliff band and above is another, making this ledge really important.

View back along the ledge.

A weakness in the cliff band. We pretty much hugged the right cliff.

Continuing up the weakness.

The weakness led to this Class 3 chute.

Above the chute (above Josh on the left), a Class 3 move on a slab beneath a tree.

Just past the tree, this crack would lead to the north side of Moqui Peak.

Through the crack.

North side of Moqui Peak. The ledge here was reminiscent of Sedona.

View back along the ledge.

A break in the cliff led back to the south side of Moqui Peak. Here, we hugged the cliff face on the right. Moving away from the face would result in a drop-off on the left.

Easy Class 4 slab climb at the cliff base.

Past the slab, we kept to the left slightly and then there were a couple hundred feet of Class 2 slope walking.

View back from the top of the Class 2 slope (right). Our route zig-zagged around the sandstone ridge chaos visible on the left.

Class 5.2 route up Moqui Peak. Alternatively, keep left at the peak's base.

50 foot descent into this brushy gully, and ascend where my friends are in the center.

Class 3 slab to the arch.

Arch just below the summit. Josh is seen wrapping around the Class 2+ move to gain the summit.

Moqui Peak summit, view back toward Kolob Terrace Road.

Moqui Peak summit, view north.
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