Moorman Pond Trail in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, CA

Hike Moorman Pond Trail Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, CA

Class 1 0.7 mile Minimal gain <1 hr Out + Back Jun 17, 2017

Moorman Pond Trail GPX Track

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The Moorman Pond Trail is a very short hike through a really pretty canyon full of redwood trees. The destination of the trail is a small pond obscured by ferns. The whole hike has really lush and pretty scenery, but the trail is way too short. It follows a nice creek for a while and enters a human-made vegetated tunnel. I recommend longer trails in the area like the James Irvine and Fern Canyon Loop, but this is a great little outing to see some redwoods and enjoy the cozy and quiet greenery.

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Starting along the Moorman Pond Trail.
Starting along the Moorman Pond Trail.
Image 1 from gallery
A nice vegetated tunnel constructed as part of the trail.
A nice vegetated tunnel constructed as part of the trail.
Image 3 from gallery
Very green trail.
Very green trail.
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Image 6 from gallery
Approaching Moorman Pond (right). It's not much.
Approaching Moorman Pond (right). It's not much.
Moorman Pond in front of me. The trail ends here, unfortunately.
Moorman Pond in front of me. The trail ends here, unfortunately.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!