Starting from the Big Laguna Trailhead.

Monument Peak first, seen top left. The trail met the PCT for a short time.

I left the PCT to head up a nice social trail toward Monument Peak.

Monument Peak ahead.

Monument Peak summit, view southeast along the rim.

Monument Peak summit, view northwest toward Garnet Peak, seen on the right.

Onward along the rim to Hays Peak rather than backtrack to the PCT.

Hays Peak, view back toward Monument Peak.

Down from Hays Peak on a faint social trail to rejoin the PCT.

On the PCT, view back toward Hays Peak.

Along the rim as I follow the PCT for a few miles.

Signed turn-off for Foster Point.

Foster Point ahead, a nice view with a peak identifier.

Foster Point, view back toward Hays Peak.

Back on the PCT, Garnet Peak seen center.

The PCT wanders along the rim.

Ascending toward Garnet Peak along the PCT.

View back toward Foster Point (left).

The PCT continues along the rim.

View back toward Foster Point.

Garnet Peak coming into view ahead.

Garnet Peak ahead! The PCT wraps around its base on the left.

Junction with the Garnet Peak Trail.

View back along the Garnet Peak Trail.

The Garnet Peak Trail makes a nice ascending wrap up the west slope of the peak.

Garnet Peak summit ahead.

Garnet Peak summit, view northwest along the rim.

Garnet Peak, view along my rim traverse back toward Monument Peak (top left).

I headed to the road via the Garnet Peak Trail. This is a view back toward Garnet Peak.

After hiking along the paved road for a bit, I reached the Penny Pines Trailhead and followed the Noble Canyon Trail a short time.

Then I took the Big Laguna Trail, which ascended slowly. You can see Garnet Peak in the distance along the way.

Along the big Laguna Trail as it heads up and over a lump and into the basin of Big Laguna Lake.

Entering the basin that houses Big Laguna Lake. The northern reaches are mostly meadow.

Gorgeous meadow!

View back as I hike along the Big Laguna Trail.

Portions of the trail head through forest, but it mostly just heads along the meadow perimeter.

The northern reaches of Big Laguna Lake.

Another shot back toward the sweeping meadow.

Approaching Big Laguna Lake.

The trail alongside Big Laguna Lake.

I followed the Big Laguna Trail east and away from the lake.

Entering meadows, boggy during my visit.

Nice light on the meadows.

A creek crossing.

The Big Laguna Trail ascends through forest after leaving the meadows.

A short section along a dirt road. The trail is well-marked.

Final bit of light ascending through forest before the Big Laguna Trail descends to the trailhead where I parked.
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