An old dirt road takes you up most of the way to Cardiff Pass.

Looking back toward Alta.

Almost at Cardiff Pass.

Looking back along the ridge after gaining it.

Heading up toward Mt. Superior, shrouded in clouds.

Lots of fog.

Looking back toward Alta, on the right.

Looking back along the ridge.

There are small points of scrambling, but most of the route has a trail.

Looking back along the ridge.

A Class 2/3 section.

Looking back along the ridge.

Almost at the summit of Mt. Superior.

Mt. Superior summit, the ridge to Monte Cristo on the left, Cardiac Ridge on the right.

Close-up into the Cardiff Mine Basin.

Heading to the saddle of Superior and Monte Cristo.

Almost at Monte Cristo.

Monte Cristo ahead. My summit photo was too foggy to see anything.

Gorgeous sunset on the way back.
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