Class 3 9.8 miles 2300 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Mar 7, 2024

Mollies Nipple GPX Track

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I woke up to light snow hitting my car window, so I just lay there for an hour deciding if I was going to bail on hiking today. I bundled up in every reasonable layer I could find in order to hike to Mollies Nipple. I thought I was going to experience a nice warm desert trip and hadn't considered the need for a fluffy hat and winter gloves, but here I was. Any vehicle can make it to the turnoff here (37.26786, -112.11480), but past this point, you'll need at least some clearance due to the relatively deep sand. I parked where I did because it was the last large turnout before a steep incline ending with deeper sand here (37.25938, -112.10805) that I wasn't comfortable driving through alone out here without service. Additionally, if the ground became wet with snow, I didn't want to experiment with driving on wet sand and thought it safer just to start a bit farther back. If you have a better vehicle, you could make it another couple of miles, and if you have an ATV you could make it to within a mile of the summit.

I set out with a podcast going from the get-go, knowing I had a nearly 5-mile walk ahead of me, the vast majority on a sandy road. Of course, I'd have to repeat this on the way back, so I rolled my eyes at my hobby choice, as I often do, and moved as quickly as I could to get it done. Along the way, Mollies Nipple came into view, a beautiful icon rising up from the otherwise pretty flat desert surrounding it. It looks very cool from here. The road undulates a bit along the way, but it's never too annoying, and the sand never deep enough to make hiking too tiresome.

Finally, the road bent north toward Mollies Nipple and descended toward its base. I left the road as it curved west, continuing up easy terrain to the slickrock base of the peak. From here, I located a faint social trail that brought me up Mollies Nipple's most prominent southern toe. Starting off a bit loose due to the sand, the large and blocky sandstone solidified a bit higher up and added some nice Class 2 to the mix.

It started snowing on me. A bit concerned the scramble ahead would be too dangerous if wet, I moved quickly to reach the crux moves. The sequence began with blocky bits leading to right below the crest, then a ledge brought me 20 feet over some ledgey sandstone up to a notch separating me from the high point. A short section of low Class 3 with some exposure brought me to the summit, where the normally unobstructed perch gave me gorgeous views, though half of my view was obscured by oncoming clouds. I backtracked to my car in time before the snow accumulated, and as I was pelted with hail, I decided I was happy I had parked where I did today.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Mollies Nipple
7271 ft
1231 rise

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Deep sand along the road. I though it was too risky to drive through it, especially alone and with rain/snow in the forecast.
Deep sand along the road. I though it was too risky to drive through it, especially alone and with rain/snow in the forecast.
Mollies Nipple seen in the distance.
Mollies Nipple seen in the distance.
Nice Utah mesas along the lengthy road walk.
Nice Utah mesas along the lengthy road walk.
Mollies Nipple getting closer.
Mollies Nipple getting closer.
The road heads north and descends toward Mollies Nipple.
The road heads north and descends toward Mollies Nipple.
I left the road and headed to the slickrock base.
I left the road and headed to the slickrock base.
And then ascended the most prominent of Mollies Nipple's toes.
And then ascended the most prominent of Mollies Nipple's toes.
View back. My car is in the distance, in the area where there's currently snow.
View back. My car is in the distance, in the area where there's currently snow.
Class 2 up to the weakness seen center.
Class 2 up to the weakness seen center.
Close-up of the steep ascent. The road I hiked in on seen top center.
Close-up of the steep ascent. The road I hiked in on seen top center.
Class 2/3.
Class 2/3.
A ledge. Summit seen ahead.
A ledge. Summit seen ahead.
More Class 2/3.
More Class 2/3.
View back along the ledge scramble.
View back along the ledge scramble.
The exposed Class 3 move to the summit block.
The exposed Class 3 move to the summit block.
View back at the exposed move.
View back at the exposed move.
Mollies Nipple summit, view east.
Mollies Nipple summit, view east.
Mollies Nipple getting hit with snow, seen on my way back.
Mollies Nipple getting hit with snow, seen on my way back.
Mollies Nipple as I get back to my car.
Mollies Nipple as I get back to my car.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!