Moapa Peak in the center. Park here and follow the dirt road.

Dirt road goes through a cut in the hills.

Head up the wash toward Moapa Peak.

At the top of an obstacle in the wash, avoidable.

Continuing to the head of the wash, where the ridge starts.

Looking up along the ridge, Moapa Peak up to the right. Some scramble stuff ahead on the left.

From the ridge looking down into the wash I came out of.

Looking down the ridge from the scramble stuff. My car is parked at that break in the snake-looking ridge in the center.

Continuing along ledges to get to the top of the ridge.

Looking back along the ledges just before the top of the ridge.

Top of the ridge looking up toward Moapa Peak.

Looking back down the ridge.

Approaching the west side of Moapa Peak. Head along the bottom (south) of the peak.

Hug the wall (south side of Moapa Peak).

Looking back along the south side of Moapa Peak.

Continue to the east side of Moapa Peak and then scramble Class 2/3 stuff to gain the ridge. Follow this knife edge to the summit.

Moapa Peak summit, looking east.

Moapa Peak summit, looking at the knife edge ridge.

Moapa Peak summit, looking south. My car is at the break in the snake ridge on the left.
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