Starting from the Middle Fork Trailhead, a short bit of hiking leads down into the watercourse.

Within the Middle Fork of the Gila River watercourse.

Coniferous forest on the banks of the river.

Gorgeous cliffs on either side.

One of many crossing of the Middle Fork.

The canyon begins to introduce much taller walls.

Cool pinnacles on the sides of the canyon.

Tall cliff faces.

It only got more dramatic the farther I went.

Eventually I made it to the point where the Little Bear Canyon Trail popped in on the left.

Starting along the Little Bear Canyon Trail, now heading south.

Incredibly cool moss-covered narrows within Little Bear Canyon.

The narrows being to open and the hike continues into the hills to the south.

Along the Little Bear Canyon Trail.

Making my way to the TJ Corral Trailhead, ahead.
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