Starting from the Douglas Spring Trailhead.

Mica Mountain visible in the distance somewhere up there.

A switchback along the Douglas Spring Trail. Lots of saguaro cacti and pretty bland desert scenery.

One of the prettier sections along the lower portions of the Douglas Spring Trail.

Junction with the Bridal Wreath Falls Trail.

View back. The trail came from the left of the hump in the center.

Close-up toward Bridal Wreath Falls.

Continuing along the Douglas Spring Trail.

Mica pokes out up there, though I believe what you can see in the center is actually Helens Dome, a big rock along the way to Mica.

It's pretty at times, but just so damn long. Helens Dome seen center.

Looking back.

Douglas Spring Campground. Just past this sign the trail crosses a creek and continues on the opposite side.

Heading south now and out of the desert.

The Douglas Spring Trail parallels a watercourse as it enters scrubby terrain.

Ascending to the south.

View back. The Douglas Spring Campground is down on the left somewhere.

Progress up to Cow Head Saddle.

Some cool rock outcrops visible above. The route leads below them in a bit.

Cow Head Saddle. The rock outcrops from the previous photo visible ahead. I headed east along the Cow Head Saddle Trail.

View back, Tanque Verde Peak visible on the left.

Progress up Mica Mountain's west ridge.

So, so long.

View back, the occasional view quite nice.

View back, Tanque Verde Peak visible right of center.

Leaving the scrubby landscape and entering more forested terrain.

View back.

Still hiking along Mica Mountain's west ridge. I tried to include photos of any highlights I saw. But yeah, there weren't many.

A nice lookout toward Rincon Peak.

Helens Dome comes into view, finally.

Very pretty section that feels more cozy and forested as I near Helens Dome.

Helens Dome ahead.

View back through the forest.

Looking back after passing Helen Dome (top right).

Making my way up to Spud Rock.

A junction, keep right. The trail will lead away from the ridge for a short time, but switchbacks back up to it.

View back toward Helens Dome.

Another junction, take the switchback.

Another shot back, Helen Dome visible center.

Spud Rock comes into view on the left.

The trail leads up to the saddle between the two big rocks ahead. Left one is Spud Rock.

Sign for Spud Rock. Head along the social trail and keep right around the base of Spud Rock.

Spud Rock summit, view toward Mica Mountain ahead.

Spud Rock summit, close-up toward the Santa Catalina Mountains (Mount Lemmon).

Spud Rock summit, view west.

Close-up toward Helens Dome.

Spud Rock summit, view toward Rincon Peak.

Close-up at Rincon Peak.

Back on the trail, an easy hike to Mica Mountain through the forest.

Mica Mountain summit, view back the way I came.

Forested summit of Mica Mountain.
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