Long Canyon Trailhead. You can see Deadman's Peak poking out in the center.

Along the Long Canyon Trail. Mescal Mountain seen top left.

Birthing Cave seen center.

View from within the Birthing Cave. It's been photographed enough that I didn't feel inclined to get too creative.

Along the social trail to reach some ruins, the flat ridge of Mescal Mountain seen ahead.


On the flat ridge, view south toward Mescal Mountain.

Social trail leading up to the cliff band surrounding Mescal Mountain.

Class 3 textured ramp move. I came from the right in this photo.

View down at the Class 3 move.

Past the Class 3 move, I headed left and continued on Class 2 terrain.

Above the scrambling, now on the mesatop. I headed to the summit, but couldn't locate any discernable social trail to get there.

Mescal Mountain summit, view south toward Bear Mountain, Doe Mountain, and The Coxcomb.

View east toward Capitol Butte.

View toward Deadman's Peak and the amazing amphitheater on its south side.

Along the trailing ridge north of Mescal Mountain.

Class 2 weakness to get off the trailing ridge and make my way down to the Deadman's Pass Trail.

After a short time on the trail, I left it to head up this slope. Those pinnacles ahead mark the end of the long finger ridge of Deadman's Peak.

Mostly off-trail (some sporadic social trails) lead up the slope.

View back down the slope. You can see the trailing ridge from Mescal Mountain I just came down from in the center.

Some bushwhacking (nothing too bad) along the base of the long finger ridge.

View back.

Hiking along a wide bench to the east of the long finger. Often there was slickrock to break up the brush.

The route up a weakness to access the peak. I headed to the water-stained overhang on the left.

Almost beneath the water-stained overhang. I hugged the wall from there.

View back from below the overhang.

Hugging the wall, Class 2 boulders.

Class 3 up the ramp using a series of gullies and rock ribs.

View down the ramp/gully.

Higher up, another shot back down.

Wider shot back down. You can see the bench I hiked along in the center.

Some slabby stuff, but nothing exceeding Class 3.

Class 3+ move to gain the top.

View back down the Class 3+ move and the ramp system I just came up.

Above the Class 3+ move, a view toward Deadman's Peak. There's a ridge out of frame on the top right, but I don't think that way works to access the summit. Instead, I contoured here along the top of the sandstone drop using a social trail.

Contouring above the drop.

View back.

View back from the canyoneering route known as Deadman's Descent. Holy moly what a view.

Continuing around the amphitheater.

View back at the walk along the top of the sandstone drop.

A nice little puddle just before starting up the south slope.

Class 2/2+ from here to the summit.

View back down the south slope.

Ascending the slope.

View down toward the amphitheater.

Nearing the summit of Deadman's Peak.

Deadman's Peak summit, view east.

View north.

View west toward Boynton Canyon.
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