Starting from the Upper Bristlecone Trailhead.

Mostly forested trail, with occasional views of Mummy Mountain, Charleston Peak, The Sisters, and eventually, Macks Peak. In this photo, you can see Mummy Mountain.

Looking back toward the north side of Charleston Peak.

The Sisters visible ahead.

McFarland Peak comes into view along the ridge.

Along the ridge, looking back toward Mummy Mountain.

Charleston Peak visible behind me.

Approaching McFarland Peak.

Go to the west side of the massive feature you see initially.

Approaching the gully to gain the McFarland Peak summit on the right.

Heading up the gully - there is a use trail visible the while way up, with cairns as well.

Summit rim of McFarland.

Heading up along the rim, Charleston Peak visible on the right.

Looking back along the summit rim.

McFarland Peak summit looking southeast. Mummy Mountain on the left, Charleston Peak on the right.

McFarland Peak summit looking east. Macks Peak visible on the right.

Close-up of Macks Peak and The Sisters.

On the way back, a quick peak bag of Divide Peak.

Divide Peak summit looking toward Mummy Mountain and Charleston Peak.
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