McFadden Horse Mountain in Tonto National Forest, AZ

Hike McFadden Horse Mountain Tonto National Forest, AZ

Class 1 5.2 miles 1900 gain 2-4 hrs Out + Back May 2, 2021

McFadden Horse Mountain GPX Track

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I parked just off the scenic Globe-Young Highway and located a small, old sign reading "McFadden Horse Tr No 146", clearly not a very often visited hike. The first mile or so followed an old ATV road steeply up to the western toe of McFadden Horse Mountain. Google Maps' imagery is slightly incorrect for this ATV road, but you get the idea from my attached map. Another trail sign pointed left and led away from the ATV road and up a true singletrack. The going was pretty steep and a little rocky, but not overgrown and in pretty decent shape. Though I would be surprised to find that this trail sees more than a handful of visitors per year. 

After the initial steep ascent, the trail mellows out as it wanders through a sparsely vegetated forest and begins to ascend steeply again. The views to the south are nice during this section, but soon the views are obscured by trees as the trail reaches the wide slope that comprises the sprawling summit of McFadden Horse Mountain. I continued south through the forest along the trail, marked by cairns which were helpful since the trail was difficult to follow at points. A quarter mile from the summit, I left the "trail" and headed to the high point. There were some mostly blocked views south, nothing worth talking about.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
McFadden Horse Mountain
7510 ft
870 rise

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Trailhead for McFadden Horse Mountain.
Trailhead for McFadden Horse Mountain.
Looking back as I ascend the initial ATV road.
Looking back as I ascend the initial ATV road.
ATV road ascends to the western toe of McFadden Horse Mountain.
ATV road ascends to the western toe of McFadden Horse Mountain.
Looking back along the ATV road as it heads along the western toe of McFadden Horse Mountain. McFadden Peak visible top right.
Looking back along the ATV road as it heads along the western toe of McFadden Horse Mountain. McFadden Peak visible top right.
McFadden Horse Mountain visible top left.
McFadden Horse Mountain visible top left.
Leave the ATV road at the trail junction.
Leave the ATV road at the trail junction.
The trail ascends pretty steeply. This is a view looking back.
The trail ascends pretty steeply. This is a view looking back.
Continuing up the McFadden Horse Trail.
Continuing up the McFadden Horse Trail.
Image 8 from gallery
McFadden Horse Mountain visible ahead. The trail mellows out for a short time.
McFadden Horse Mountain visible ahead. The trail mellows out for a short time.
Along the McFadden Horse Trail after the trail enters the forest post-steep section. Entering Sierra Ancha Wilderness.
Along the McFadden Horse Trail after the trail enters the forest post-steep section. Entering Sierra Ancha Wilderness.
The trail then begins to ascend again to the wide summit area.
The trail then begins to ascend again to the wide summit area.
View south as I ascend to the wide summit area.
View south as I ascend to the wide summit area.
Cairns mark the McFadden Horse Trail after the final big ascent to the mountain top.
Cairns mark the McFadden Horse Trail after the final big ascent to the mountain top.
Boring forest walk, but pretty enough.
Boring forest walk, but pretty enough.
I left the trail and made it to the high point of McFadden Horse Mountain.
I left the trail and made it to the high point of McFadden Horse Mountain.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!