From the trailhead to the southern tip of McCoy Peak.

Rocky, but pretty tame ascending at first.

There were a few little rock outcroppings that formed lumps to go up and over.

Low Class 2 most of the way, just rocky terrain.

View back at our progress so far.

One of many short spurts of uphill.

McCoy Peak comes into view.

Along the crest still remaining to McCoy Peak.

Plenty of small obstacles like this one to slow us down.

View back at one of the numerous little drops along the ridge that made it a bit more tedious than expected.

A steeper Class 2 slope.

McCoy Peak ahead.

McCoy Peak ahead, following the rocky ridgeline.

We wrapped left around this pinnacle.

Continuing along the crest when we could.

The last quarter mile included a bunch of obstacles along the crest best avoided on the left or right.

Wrapping around a more sketchy-looking portion of the crest.

McCoy Peak's summit is above us on the right, but the cliffs prevented easy access. We used one of many gully options (Class 2+) to regain the ridge crest.

Class 3 move to gain the summit.

Tyler on the summit of McCoy Peak.

Back below the summit, onward to the traverse.

Descending from McCoy Peak. Peak 2365 seen on the right. McCoy Mountain seen top center.

Close-up of the traverse to come.

View back toward McCoy Peak.

Steep, somewhat loose terrain.

View back toward McCoy Peak.

Close-up toward the descent from McCoy Peak.

A steep, Class 2 ascent to Peak 2365.

Ascending to Peak 2365.

A shot back toward McCoy Peak as we near the summit of Peak 2365.

Peak 2365 ahead.

Peak 2365 summit, view back the way we came.

McCoy Mountain on the left seen from Peak 2365.

Plenty of little Class 2/3 obstacles on the way down from Peak 3465.

Along the more tame section of the traverse, short-lived.

View back toward Peak 2365. You can see the various little cliff bands that add obstacles to overcome.

The ridgeline included some outcroppings we were able to wrap around or just go over, nothing exceeding Class 2.

View back along the ridge, Peak 2365 seen top right.

More descending on loose, rocky terrain.

View back toward Peak 2365 (top, right of center).

McCoy Mountain seen far right. Last bit of ridgeline ahead.

View back.

Avoiding a small lump on our way to McCoy Mountain.

McCoy Mountain ahead.

Some light Class 3 on the way to McCoy Mountain.

Summit of McCoy Mountain, view back at the traverse.

McCoy Mountain, view northwest toward Granite Mountain and the Palen Mountains.

Close-up, Little Maria Mountain seen right of center.

We backtracked and started down the standard route to McCoy Mountain. It's a steep undertaking.

Class 2 most of the way, but often loose. You can see the road we drove in on top center.

A Class 2+ obstacle along the way.

Toward the bottom of the slope as we enter the major drainage on the south side of McCoy Mountain.

View back up the slope we descended.

An old mining road leads back to the end car we'd set up.
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