Passing an old dolomite mine along the Cactus Spring Trail.

Descending along the Cactus Spring Trail, Martinez Mountain seen poking up in the distance.

The trail winds around lumpy terrain, descending toward Horse Thief Creek.

Crossing Horse Thief Creek.

Ascending the opposite side of Horse Thief Creek.

View back after ascending from Horse Thief Creek. The trailhead is left of center. The trail came down the green line seen over there.

Cactus Spring Trail drops into this wash.

Ascending the wash for a while.

Martinez Mountain seen ahead along the Cactus Spring Trail.

View back.

The Cactus Spring Trail gets a bit less wide and well-traveled. Our aim is the right shoulder seen right of center.

An old sign along the Cactus Spring Trail.

Progress along the Cactus Spring Trail.

View back as we ascend through a wash.

Approaching the base of Martinez Mountain.

The trail leads up this gully.

Class 2.

Top of the gully, Toro Peak seen right/

Ascending the ridgeline, Martinez Mountain seen top left.

Close-up of the initially boulder-free ridge.

Then lots of Class 2.

Ascending Class 2 boulders.

View back down. Toro Peak seen top left, the Cactus Spring Trail came up from on the right.

More Class 2.

And a bit of pretty easily-avoidable brush.

Some of the larger boulders, likely avoidable if you work around to look for easier walking.

False summit seen ahead.

View back down at our progress up the ridge.

Martinez Mountain seen ahead. There's some navigation to do along the way.

View back as we navigate lumps and washes.

Approaching the base of the summit.

Class 2.

Martinez Mountain summit block, a nice pillar.

Fu crawl-through space.

Class 3 on the left pillar.

Ledge wrap-around, then another Class 3 move (where Chris is).

Chris coming up the Class 3.

Summit view toward Toro Peak.

Summit view down toward the Salton Sea.

We backtracked to the Cactus Spring Trail and took it to nearly the base of sheep Mountain, our next summit.

Our chosen slope/ridge.

View back, Martinez Mountain seen top left.

Sheep Mountain ahead. It was just some typical desert walking.

Along the southeastern ridge.

Nearing the summit of Sheep Mountain.

Sheep Mountain summit, Toro Peak seen above.

Sheep Mountain, view into Coachella Valley.

Mount San Jacinto and Deep Canyon (center, the major canyon that parallels the highway).

View back toward Sheep Mountain after starting down its western ridge.

Descending into a wash.

Into the wash for a short time, before a social trail led back out.

View back into the wash, Sheep Mountain seen top left. From here it was just a matter of navigating a wash and lumpy desert to get back to the Cactus Spring Trail.
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