Class 1 8.2 miles 2200 gain 3-5 hrs Out + Back Oct 16, 2024

Maple Peak GPX Track

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Maple Peak is most commonly accessed from the south via the Wildbunch Trail (#7) or from the north using the Charlie Moore Trail (#307). I chose the latter because I read that road conditions might be better. In fact, the road is passable by any vehicle up until the AZ/NM state line, where a makeshift barbed wire gate marks the start of the rougher road. From this point, you'll need a vehicle with some clearance and decent tires. I was able to drive my crossover SUV comfortably to the last good pull-out before the road degrades significantly. More capable vehicles can reach this point (33.36422, -109.08292), which is where the Charlie Moore Trail begins. The route I took is also labeled as the Grand Enchantment Trail on maps. You may notice that the red trail line for the Grand Enchantment Trail on my attached map doesn't match my track because the map is wrong.

At the end of the road, make sure to keep right to stay on the trail. Don’t continue left, where the road descends. The trail is in pretty poor condition, as I had expected given the remoteness of Maple Peak. The trail gradually gains elevation but can be hard to follow at times, especially lower down, where it is marked only by occasional cairns. Although I had no trouble following it at first, it was very unclear at around 7400'. There were occasional views of the surrounding hillsides and Whitewater Baldy in the distance. The trail ascends a ridge to the north of Maple Peak, just below a minor summit called Charlie Moore Mountain, before reaching a junction with an old trail marker sign listing various dilapidated trail options.

I veered left onto the Horse Canyon Trail (#306) and continued toward Maple Peak. The trail descends slightly to a scenic ridgeline and then stays just below the ridge, following a barbed wire fence for a time to the base of the peak. It then meanders up a few switchbacks on the peak's northeast slope before reaching the south ridge. While the switchbacks have some significant overgrowth, I didn’t have trouble staying on the trail. From the ridge, a faint trail leads almost to the summit, adjacent to a barbed wire fence. Be cautious of abandoned coils of barbed wire. There is a break in the fence near the summit. Although the views were pleasant, this was my second peak of the day where I questioned my decision to hike overgrown green hills along the obscure border of New Mexico and Arizona. The summit block and register were almost completely covered in ladybugs.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Maple Peak
8297 ft
2393 rise

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Hiking along the rougher upper portion of the road.
Hiking along the rougher upper portion of the road.
View back as the road steepens.
View back as the road steepens.
End of the road. A cairn on the right marks the Charlie Moore Trail.
End of the road. A cairn on the right marks the Charlie Moore Trail.
Along the Charlie Moore Trail, views north.
Along the Charlie Moore Trail, views north.
Sometimes the trail is fine.
Sometimes the trail is fine.
Other times it becomes tedious to follow. Maple Peak seen on the left.
Other times it becomes tedious to follow. Maple Peak seen on the left.
Wide views to the north.
Wide views to the north.
A trail junction, keep left.
A trail junction, keep left.
Continuing along the Horse Canyon Trail, Maple Peak seen top left.
Continuing along the Horse Canyon Trail, Maple Peak seen top left.
Descending from Charlie Moore Mountain to the saddle on the north side of Maple Peak.
Descending from Charlie Moore Mountain to the saddle on the north side of Maple Peak.
View back toward Charlie Moore Mountain.
View back toward Charlie Moore Mountain.
The trail follows a barbed wire fence below the ridge.
The trail follows a barbed wire fence below the ridge.
View back as I work up Maple Peak.
View back as I work up Maple Peak.
On the northeast side of Maple Peak.
On the northeast side of Maple Peak.
View back as I head up switchbacks.
View back as I head up switchbacks.
Brushier section on the slope as I near the south ridge.
Brushier section on the slope as I near the south ridge.
Along the south ridge of Maple Peak, headed to the summit.
Along the south ridge of Maple Peak, headed to the summit.
View back along the south ridge.
View back along the south ridge.
I had to pass through a break in the barbed wire fence near the summit.
I had to pass through a break in the barbed wire fence near the summit.
Maple Peak summit, view north. Charlie Moore Mountain seen right of center.
Maple Peak summit, view north. Charlie Moore Mountain seen right of center.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!