A bit after leaving the trailhead, views of the forest road I came on visible in the valley on the left.

Manzano Peak in the distance (right).

Manzano Peak hidden somewhere above.

Looking back along the trail, forest road on the left.

Burned area. The trail traverses the whole area.

Burned area, looking back.

Higher up in the burned area, looking back.

The trail does a big arch through this burned area.

Forested section on the west side of the ridge leading to Manzano Peak.

Looking back within the forested section.

A view of the ridgeline I will be on shortly. The trail goes away around here, so I bushwhacked a short section to get to the ridge.

On the ridgeline. The trail goes to the left, and then curves around up to Manzano Peak (right).

Along the ridge.

Mostly obstructed views along the ridgeline.

Manzano Peak ahead.

Looking back toward the ridgeline.

Full ridgeline visible from a small clearing at the base of Manzano Peak.

Short forested section leading up the last bit of Manzano Peak.

Approaching Manzano Peak summit.

Manzano Peak summit, looking toward the ridgeline approach.
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