We parked at the Stella Mengel Cabin, seen here.

From the Stella Mengel Cabin, we followed a social trail past another historic cabin seen ahead, and continued along the social trail as it led up the drainage to the saddle seen center of this photo.

View back down the drainage, Striped Butte visible on the left.

From the saddle, we started along Manly Peak's southeast ridgeline. Manly Peak is seen left of center.

View back to the saddle, Peak 5449 top right.

Ascending the steep, sandy slope, view into Butte Valley.

Manly Peak top left. The ridgeline curves to reach it.

Another shot back toward the saddle and Peak 5449.

Still tame terrain.

The ridgeline introduces some boulder hopping. You can avoid the majority of the boulders by keeping to the right of the ridge crest, where there was a social trail leading up the sandy terrain. This boulder-hopping was more fun in my opinion, a nice break from the sand. Manly Peak visible top left.

View back. Needle Peak visible top center.

Close-up as we ascend through the boulders.

The ridgeline curves left, Manly Peak visible on the far left.

Ascending the final bit to Manly Peak.

A false boulder ahead, Manly Peak hidden behind.

View back along the ridgeline.

Approaching the false boulder summit. Just past it is the true summit.

At the base of Manly Peak's crux. Zach chose to scramble up the slab in the center instead of using the chimney.

View down the crux.

Class 3 slab bit to the summit.

Manly Peak summit, view down toward the crux.

Manly Peak summit, view along the ascent ridge, Butte Valley visible in the distance.

A short jaunt to Anvil Benchmark allowed us to have this nice perspective toward Manly Peak, seen center.

Anvil Benchmark summit, view west.

After backtracking, we descended to the saddle with Peak 5449, seen top right. We kept to the right of the significant boulders in the center of this photo.

Avoiding the biggest boulders.

A couple of bouldery humps along the way to Peak 5449.

Peak 5449 ahead.

Peak 5449 summit, view toward Manly Peak.

Peak 5449 summit, view toward Needle Peak.
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