Starting along the popular Ron Coleman Trail.

Class 2 Ron Coleman Trail.

Looking back down the Ron Coleman Trail from the ridgeline.

Franklin Mountains ridgeline to South Franklin Mountain.

Ron Coleman Trail along the ridgeline.

Looking back along the Ron Coleman Trail.

Approaching the scramble section.

First chain.

Looking back before staring the scrambles.

Second chain section, the longest one. The Window is just at the top of this.

The Window. The third set of chains is just to the left of it.

Looking down from the top of the third set of chains.

Continuing along the Ron Coleman Trail. no more scrambling to the summit of South Franklin Mountain.

Looking back along the Ron Coleman Trail.

Mammoth Rock peeking out below that big hump there.

Continuing up toward South Franklin Mountain. The high point is the right set of towers.

Looking toward Mammoth Rock from as close to the summit of South Franklin Mountain as I could legally get.

Mammoth Rock. Follow this ridgeline for the fun Class 3 scramble. You can go along the Ron Coleman Trail to get to the base instead, if you're not feeling this scramble.

Base of Mammoth Rock.

Gully to ascend Mammoth Rock (Class 3/4)

Looking down the gully. From here, it's easy to get to the Mammoth Rock summit.

Mammoth Rock summit, looking north to North Franklin Mountain.

Looking eat toward South Franklin Mountain.
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