Major Benchmark West in Schell Creek Range BLM, UT

Hike Major Benchmark West Schell Creek Range BLM, UT

Class 2 11.4 miles 2500 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back May 22, 2022

Major Benchmark West GPX Track

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Major Benchmark West is an obscure and mostly forested peak in central Nevada, but its high prominence made it an attractive endeavor. The route I chose to take initially follows a very old road. Where I parked roughly marks the end of the line for any vehicle, since the road quicky degrades. If you want to cut off about 5 miles and 600 vertical round-trip, you can explore the roads to the north (38.89094, -114.66962) and south (38.86394, -114.67044), which are possibly more driveable and would lead up to a spot I marked on my attached map labeled "Road End". Rather than futz around driving potentially bad roads, I decided to just walk along the sweeping, open ridge using the degraded roadbed. Despite the additional hike mileage, the road walk was actually quite nice and scenic. To get to where I parked, leave Highway 6 here (39.04837, -114.72354) and head south on an excellent road. Veer left here (38.99562, -114.75596) and follow this road to where I parked, accessible by any vehicle (with a couple of sections where you may need to drive slowly with low clearance).

I set out along the old road, which quickly became impassable to any vehicle and was actually a little difficult to follow on foot in a couple of short sections because this portion of the hike was pretty forested and the road has almost returned to nature. I followed the wide ridgeline and soon the roadbed became more road-like again. The landscape opened up and I got some nice views of the surrounding Nevada landscape, with Mount Grafton poking out nearby. The road continued for a couple of miles and eventually ended.

I continued past the road down a small dip and then ascended a very tame slope with no bushwhacking, but also no trail. The vegetation was sparse enough to give me no hassle. There was some very light Class 2 on super small cliff bands, but mostly it was just a pleasant slope that ascended gradually. An occasional animal trail helped when the forest grew slightly thicker, and then I entered a wide meadow. A few pretty rock outcroppings nearby jutted out and added some cool variety to the otherwise brushy-looking rolling hills around me. The meadow closed up again and I was back to ascending the tame slope, sticking to the ridge crest for the most part.

Eventually I reached the saddle separating Major Benchmark West and Schell Benchmark. I hit the former first since it was the high point (light Class 2), but the views were somewhat obscured. I headed along the ridgeline to Schell Benchmark where the views were much better. I returned roughly the way I came.

Elevation (ft) / Prominence (ft)
Peaks on hike
Major Benchmark West
9964 ft
2164 rise
Schell Benchmark
9938 ft
58 rise

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I parked off the good road and took this far less good road on foot.
I parked off the good road and took this far less good road on foot.
The road basically disappears for a while as it continues along the ridge, quite overgrown.
The road basically disappears for a while as it continues along the ridge, quite overgrown.
The road reappears and continues along the ridge. Major Benchmark West seen ahead.
The road reappears and continues along the ridge. Major Benchmark West seen ahead.
Close-up at the road walk to reach the base of the peak.
Close-up at the road walk to reach the base of the peak.
View back along the road.
View back along the road.
Looking at a road that you likely could drive if coming from the north. Not sure of its quality down low. Mount Grafton seen in the distance.
Looking at a road that you likely could drive if coming from the north. Not sure of its quality down low. Mount Grafton seen in the distance.
Approaching the end of the road.
Approaching the end of the road.
A short dip before the road ends totally.
A short dip before the road ends totally.
Onward up the tame slope.
Onward up the tame slope.
View back toward the end of the road as I make my way up the slope.
View back toward the end of the road as I make my way up the slope.
Some super minor Class 2.
Some super minor Class 2.
A clear section along the ridge. I recommend staying a bit left of the rock outcropping seen far right to avoid extra brush.
A clear section along the ridge. I recommend staying a bit left of the rock outcropping seen far right to avoid extra brush.
A shot toward Mount Grafton in the distance.
A shot toward Mount Grafton in the distance.
I passed through some lightly forested terrain and then it opened up into this meadow.
I passed through some lightly forested terrain and then it opened up into this meadow.
View back toward the rock outcropping I mentioned earlier. I came from the trees in the center.
View back toward the rock outcropping I mentioned earlier. I came from the trees in the center.
View back at the meadow walk, now back into the brush, but still no bushwhacking required.
View back at the meadow walk, now back into the brush, but still no bushwhacking required.
Easy slope.
Easy slope.
View back. Mount Grafton in the distance. I came up from the little rock outcropping on the right and through the meadow.
View back. Mount Grafton in the distance. I came up from the little rock outcropping on the right and through the meadow.
Image 18 from gallery
Wider shot back the way I came.
Wider shot back the way I came.
Continuing along the tame ridge, Major Benchmark West is up there somewhere.
Continuing along the tame ridge, Major Benchmark West is up there somewhere.
Nearing the saddle separating Major Benchmark West and Schell Benchmark.
Nearing the saddle separating Major Benchmark West and Schell Benchmark.
Along the rim to Major Benchmark West.
Along the rim to Major Benchmark West.
Close-up south.
Close-up south.
Major Benchmark West, view south.
Major Benchmark West, view south.
Onward to Schell Benchmark, seen ahead.
Onward to Schell Benchmark, seen ahead.
Schell Benchmark, view north.
Schell Benchmark, view north.
Summit of Schell Benchmark, view back toward Major Benchmark West.
Summit of Schell Benchmark, view back toward Major Benchmark West.

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Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!