Starting at the ranch settlement, view toward Mae West. You could follow the road to take the standard route, but I headed to the left to gain the ridge visible on the top left in this photo.

Ascending the slope to gain the ridge after crossing a couple of barbed wire fences.

View back toward my car, center.

Along the slope, minimal bushwhacking.

Along the west ridge, where the bushwhacking basically ended completely for the rest of the hike. Mae west visible ahead.

Close-up toward Mae West Peak.

View back at my progress. My car is below in the center.

The ridge becomes slightly more steep.

Another shot back, my car at the mouth of the canyon on the left.

The first bit of Class 2 becomes visible ahead.

View back from below the Class 2.

Class 2, pretty straightforward.

A bit more ridge walking led to a viewpoint of Mae West Peak.

Close-up of the formidable limestone face. I headed to the right of the lower cliff band, wrapped around to the top of it, then scrambled a Class 3 section to get over the upper cliff band.

View back along the base of the lower cliff band.

At the base of the upper cliff band.

View down at the Class 3 section just below the summit.

Mae West Peak summit, view west. I came up along the ridge on the right.

Mae West Peak summit, view east.

Mae West Peak summit, view south.
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