We parked at the National Forest boundary.

Heading up the service road on foot.

Davenport Lookout seen left, Peak 9275 on the right.

Davenport Lookout tower seen left. We headed next along the service road to Madre Mountain.

Descending to the saddle.

Road junction, we took a less good road heading north.

On the way up to Madre Mountain.

We left the road when we reached the saddle on the southwest side of Madre Mountain.

View back toward Davenport Lookout as we headed up Madre Mountain.

A nice clearing along the slope.

Along the ridgeline.

A social trail leads along the ridgeline. Madre Mountain seen on the right through the trees.

Approaching the peak.

Hiking up the north ridge.

View back from the summit of Madre Mountain.

Davenport Lookout seen left, Alegres Mountain center.

Close-up toward the cool peaks labeled Sawtooth Mountains to the northwest.

We backtracked to the road and headed next for Peak 9275.

Some deadfall, but nothing too bad. The slope was steep.

View back down as we head up Peak 9275.

Peak 9275 partial view.

Descending from Peak 9275.

Davenport Lookout seen above.

A social trail within the drainage separating Davenport Lookout from Peak 9275.

Easy hiking back to the road.
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