Lower Grapevine Canyon in Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Hike Lower Grapevine Canyon Lake Mead National Recreation Area, NV

Class 3 8.6 miles 1300 gain 4-6 hrs Out + Back May 1, 2018

Lower Grapevine Canyon GPX Track

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Lower Grapevine Canyon Road is officially closed for restoration, so don't try doing Lower Grapevine Canyon from the east, unless you're okay with adding an extra couple miles in a wash.

I came to the Spirit Mountain Wilderness a few weeks ago to explore the area for the first time and was super pleasantly surprised with the gorgeous granite in the area, so I planned more trips, Lower Grapevine Canyon at the forefront after falling in love with Upper Grapevine Canyon. From the Grapevine Canyon Trailhead, head east and across open desert until you get into the quickly narrowing Grapevine Canyon. The first and hardest obstacle, a 10-15 foot dryfall, of the whole day is at the beginning. I used some webbing to aid in getting down (and for ascending later). There are a few more small downclimbs along the way, but none exceed Class 3.

I decided to turn around at the point where Google Maps marked the end of the now closed Lower Grapevine Canyon Road. Carefeul not to miss Grapevine Canyon on the way back by instead actually going up Sacatone Wash, like I did.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I'm not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!

Starting from the Grapevine Canyon parking lot, heading east.
Starting from the Grapevine Canyon parking lot, heading east.
Looking back toward the trailhead from open desert before reaching Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Looking back toward the trailhead from open desert before reaching Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Entering Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Entering Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Lower Grapevine Canyon is mostly easily navigated, but there are a few areas that are overgrown with thorns and other plants, but nothing crazy.
Lower Grapevine Canyon is mostly easily navigated, but there are a few areas that are overgrown with thorns and other plants, but nothing crazy.
At the first obstacle, the biggest one, looking down into the extremely inviting Lower Grapevine Canyon.
At the first obstacle, the biggest one, looking down into the extremely inviting Lower Grapevine Canyon.
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I added some webbing (which I later removed) on the left side of the dryfall on a chockstone to get down this 10-15 foot drop.
I added some webbing (which I later removed) on the left side of the dryfall on a chockstone to get down this 10-15 foot drop.
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Lower Grapevine Canyon opens up a few times, but there always seem to be more narrows ahead.
Lower Grapevine Canyon opens up a few times, but there always seem to be more narrows ahead.
Looking back up Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Looking back up Lower Grapevine Canyon.
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Approaching another obstacle.
Approaching another obstacle.
Looking down at the dryfall obstacle. On the way back, I climbed up on the right side of this photo, but if you don't want to make that Class 3+ move, you can scramble up a gully before the dryfall and safely get down back into the canyon.
Looking down at the dryfall obstacle. On the way back, I climbed up on the right side of this photo, but if you don't want to make that Class 3+ move, you can scramble up a gully before the dryfall and safely get down back into the canyon.
Higher up to the left of the dryfall, avoiding the drop by using a Class 2/3 scramble to get up and over and back into the canyon.
Higher up to the left of the dryfall, avoiding the drop by using a Class 2/3 scramble to get up and over and back into the canyon.
Looking back at the dryfall obstacle - you can see the way to avoid it is on the left.
Looking back at the dryfall obstacle - you can see the way to avoid it is on the left.
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Crazy canyon rocks.
Crazy canyon rocks.
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An easy chockstone obstacle.
An easy chockstone obstacle.
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A hairpin turn toward the end of Lower Grapevine Canyon.
A hairpin turn toward the end of Lower Grapevine Canyon.
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Final obstacle before the eastern trailhead (which no longer exists).There was an old rope set up here from before the road was closed to traffic - it's looking a little bit weathered.
Final obstacle before the eastern trailhead (which no longer exists).There was an old rope set up here from before the road was closed to traffic - it's looking a little bit weathered.
Exiting Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Exiting Lower Grapevine Canyon.
Lower Grapevine Canyon opens up. I turned around here.
Lower Grapevine Canyon opens up. I turned around here.

Hire me or show me some love!

Hire/refer me as a web developer or send me a few bucks if you find my site useful. I’m not sponsored, so all fees are out-of-pocket and my time preparing trip reports is unpaid. I really appreciate it!