Photo by Matt of me as we head up the sandy mouth of Lower Brimstone Gulch.

Along the west rim of Lower Brimstone Gulch.

Lower Brimstone Gulch visible on the right. Pretty exciting-looking from up here.

Dropping down on the Class 3 slab to the head of Lower Brimstone Gulch.

A bit of walking through a somewhat narrow section before the canyon gets crazy.

Very narrow.

Hilariously narrow. We were giggling a lot.

The high stemming begins in earnest.

Matt dropping down to navigate around a narrower section.

More high stemming.

Photo by Matt of me high stemming.

It me.

Shawn basking in the wonderful narrows.

A reprieve from the narrows, the hardest stuff over.

Exit of Lower Brimstone Gulch heading back.
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