Lost Peak Spring, just next to the trailhead.

There was no trail that I could locate, so I headed through the not-so-bad brush. Lost Peak is the left summit in this photo. I would head up to the ridge on the right and traverse over to the high point.

View back, the trailhead somewhere in the center.

Steeper section as I head up to the ridgeline.

Another shot back the way I came through the brush.

False summit of Lost Peak, view east.

On the false summit, view toward the true summit.

Steep, easy Class 2 to Lost Peak.

Lost Peak summit, view back the way I came (trailhead right of center somewhere).

Lost Peak summit, view northeast toward the Enterprise Reservoir.

Lost Peak summit, view west. Peak 7324 visible left of center. The ridgeline looked very inviting.

Heading along the very pretty ridgeline.

View back toward Lost Peak.

Peak 7324 in the center.

Close-up toward the route to come. There's some awful brush leading to the dip in the center of this photo. Peak 7324 visible on the right.

Bad brush along the ridge leading to the dip on the north side of Peak 7324. Once within the dip, I was able to avoid a lot of the brush leading up Peak 7324 by staying to the left of the ridge crest (shadowy slope in this photo).

Looking back toward the ridgeline as I ascend Peak 7324. The bad brush is seen on the right.

Nearing the Peak 7324 summit.

Peak 7324 summit ahead.

Peak 7324 summit, view back toward Lost Peak (center).

Peak 7324 summit, view toward some cool scenery to the northwest.

Peak 7324 summit, view southwest.

I continued east from the summit down easy and pretty terrain. I kept to the right of the granite rock outcrop in the center.

Looking back up toward Peak 7324 (light Class 2).

The ridgeline I headed down was really nice. The last few hundred feet had brush, but an animal trail helped me get down to the road visible below without any aggravation.
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